Work sucks

By Anonymous - 08/07/2011 19:43 - United States

Today, I'd just finished cleaning the bathrooms at work when I saw a young boy go in. Of course, I thought nothing of it until I had to use the bathroom myself ten minutes later. The kid had taken a shit and missed the toilet completely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 412
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

I miss 84% of the time because I'm cross-eyed.


One time, when I was at work these past 2 months, this lady asked to use the washroom; afterwards she scurried out of the office. My fellow Nurse and I wondered why she had done that, so we went into the washroom, and it smelt like death. She missed the toilet completely with a number two! It was like a diarrhoea explosion. Guess who got to clean it up? My fellow Nurse and I. We had to wear masks, no joke. We than called her and yelled at her on her voicemail asking her what the hell she did to our bathroom. The business than banned her from the office. So I really don't feel so bad for you... I do however have slight empathy. Good luck cleaning that up!

wafflerampage 0

Looks like you have a shituation to deal with.

ewww so wuz it on the floor!! yuck i would hav ran to the boy and told him to clean it himself or i would just leave it in there hahaha

iluvjb4eva 0

lil kids.... they r shiots but u gotta love emm!;)

simple solution. he was wiping and his ass erupted.

How the hell can you miss? You are sat still and down.

jellyybeans 5

seriously, how does that even happen?..