Wrong drugs
By Anonymous - 26/07/2009 05:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/07/2009 05:57 - United States
By Fmylife - 06/07/2011 09:17 - United States
By yankesik - 03/01/2016 22:42 - Poland - Kalisz
By Anonymous - 10/09/2010 04:09 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/09/2010 02:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/05/2024 09:00 - United States
By fuckmyliiiiiiife - 01/05/2009 01:40 - United States
By zombielover1 - 13/07/2009 06:17 - United States
By farhia97 - 08/11/2011 02:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/01/2019 16:00
By Anonymous - 02/10/2019 02:01
next time try WASABI, it will definitely work. Get well , LOL
You are ******* dumb. You don't snort spices, you make something that has spices in them. Get Indian take out and order the spiciest dish they have.
That doesn't quite fit with 'treating the point of the ailment' does it? stuffing your mouth with a phaal (unsure if the OP is vegetarian so didn't presume to suggest a main ingredient) is hardly going to assist in anything but a really nasty experience of Indian food. That dish is normally reserved for annoyingly drunk last orders *men* trying to prove their alco-inspired-bravado / manhood.
it would work your mouth and nose are linked idiot, 40% of the taste of your food is you smelling it at the same time, I always use spicy food and I'm not a bravado male idiot.
Either take a hot shower, or you can use ammonia (for example out of glass cleaner). Not pure ammonia, just so you know. Damn I love Chemistry ;)
Errrm - not unless you want to have permanent damage / death, best stick to natures nurtures i.e. wasabi.
you are so stupid. you EAT the pepper you ******* donut
Never snort anything. Your nose is very sensitive (as I'm sure you've found out) and foreign objects don't belong in it. You're supposed to eat the spicy stuff, because your mouth and nose are connected by a permeable membrane.
Today I took an IQ test and foundout this retard scored higher than me. FML
It helps to eat spicy food you dumbass, not snort them.
Spices may help, but you don't snort them dumb ass.
That's pretty ******* retarded.