Wrong 'un

By TheBeautifulOne - 23/08/2012 13:42 - United Kingdom - Ayr

Today, I met a girl I used to make fun of in high school. She was taking my fingerprints after I was arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 110
You deserved it 82 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheSnakeDoctor20 17

It's funny how people like you turn out.


HAAAAAAH HAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH one more time HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Hope you get bullied in jail the same way you bullied her! Then maybe you'll know how she felt. I met people like you when I was in high school, and I not-so-secretly hope that I'll interview one of them one day, just so I can laugh in their face and tell them to get lost :)

"I met a girl I used to make fun of"... YDI

amarie95 0

I feel like something like this will happen to me in the future xP

maclieberman 5

oh damn, karmas a bitch now huh? ydi for being a bully to begin with, now u pay the price!

BeautyOfGrac3 6
crazy4uboi 6

And THIS is why we don't make fun of people

That happened so many times when I worked Dispatch, having to assist in processing all of these people that were terrible to me in high school. It's odd how most of them still tried to make comments to try and cut me down. Who cares about the karma????? It's not for anyone but the people involved to have to worry about......