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WTF is this fresh hell?

By swag papi - 22/01/2016 05:47 - Australia - Perth

Today, my pubic hairs were poking into my wang. I went to scratch it. Something bit my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 023
You deserved it 8 370

Same thing different taste


Geckosrock99 33

Take a shower and shave it bald. OP. Then you can either see what you're dealing with, (or if it's just a bug or something like that) you can (hopefully) get rid of it. It's not like it won't grow back, and if you go to the doctor's, it'll make it easier for them to see what happened.

'Wang' means 'cheek' in Dutch. I had to read it twice before I realized you didn't mean you had pubic hairs close to your cheeks....

pandainspandex 19

If any FML needs a follow up, it's this one!

Wtf that is absolutely disgusting i was eating lunch i am definitely no longer hungry ?

aeryn97 17

definitely not wise to moderate them either. I nearly puked mine up after reading an fml up for moderation. I'll spare you the details.

gobiteme2 34

Thick enough for a creature to hide in.

moocowmilk0 19

ew... thats actually disgusting

I was like wtf at first but then i read where it was from and it all made sense

blink831forever 13

Shower and shave. its 2016 not 1542. eww. trampy.