WTF roomie?
By JN5SLK - 08/11/2013 22:29 - United States - Salt Lake City

By JN5SLK - 08/11/2013 22:29 - United States - Salt Lake City
By curlyisnogood - 10/01/2011 00:19
By calliefml - 26/04/2009 06:13 - United States
By NewRoommateNeededASAP - 13/10/2016 01:29 - United States
By raesos91 - 18/09/2012 11:56 - United States - Houston
By Arizonagirl - 06/11/2016 07:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/09/2013 21:33 - United Kingdom
By anon - 23/03/2011 04:56
By FreakinthePink - 06/12/2010 07:20
By Anonymous - 04/06/2015 07:06 - United States - Corning
By avoiding preggers - 17/12/2024 05:00 - United States - San Diego
She should have shaved that gor a later time. ..
Thank God it was with her razor. There was a time when I got home from college and ran into one of my 3 roommates banging on the door of the other one in a fury. It turned out he got caught shaving his junk with the wrong razor while he had my roomie's toothbrush in mouth. Needless to say we buttered the floor to his door.
I **** see what the problem is here
I wish I had eaten earlier. (feels sick)
At least she used the trash can.
I like pudding but not surprises like that.
#55 I agree with that the bin was a good thing in this fml. However indicating that you would require a girl to be shaven if you were to be with her is kinda a dick move. Do you shave your sack and the rest every second day to keep it smooth and child-like for her?
I shave certain parts and trim the rest in preparation for parties and events, and lots of girls I know do the same. Its like being well showered and wearing cologne for a date, its just being prepared and being courteous to your potential intimate partners. If you cant be bothered to even put in the little effort it takes to clean up present nicely, then dont expect intimate company from those who do maintain themselves. And no its not a "dick thing to say" because its an issue that people are perfectly capable of preventing, same goes for overweight people. Now if I was to discriminate against a woman for something completely out of her control, say her breast size, which is pretty superficial, that would be a "dick thing to say". And I dont know.about your genitals, but mine certainly look full and adult.
#66 in the first post i guessed you was quite narrow-minded. Thanks for confirming it. and for the record, unshaven doesn't mean unclean.
oh. definitely an awkward situation.
You could say its a... hairy situation.
Yes! Please!
What has been seen cannot be unseen...
Vexing is better and more effective
Until they invent the memory eraser from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
And this turns into some screwed love story.
Yeah I remember those days...
What? O_o
Just be thankful that all that pubic hair is going straight to the trash.
But it's Movember
Yeah? It doesn't all apply to females. It's mainly for males and to raise money for prostate cancer. Not saying a female can't shave down there, because the temperatures are dropping and even I think I should leave myself unshaven to keep warm. But, eh.
Better than clogging the sink or shower.
...that's possible?
If that's what you think about this FML, perhaps this isn't the right place for you.
why? did you just pictured the whole scene in your head? ;)
40, why did you put that creepy winking face at the end? ;)
You should have offered to help her. It could have gotten HOT!
no wonder your name is biglow.
looks like someone's been watching dirty roommates ;)
I sincerely hope that was a joke.
What has been seen cannot be unseen...
Aw, man. Shave me from the horrid details of this story!