Wurdz is hard

By Holy Testacles - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a cute girl sitting next to me asked if she could use my phone. As I handed it to her, I attempted to use the expression, "Knock yourself out," but for a reason I can still not fathom, it came out as, "Kill yourself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 183
You deserved it 7 960

Top comments

IconicLemon 8

HAHAHA. Your's and her face would have been priceless!


chriswright1888 10

Whoops! That must of been akward.

Omg ! Just lost me shit . Ahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahah !!!!!!

I find my shit as it goes spiraling down the toilet -.-

Let's just hope you have an extra pair of pants.

Hurbel684 10

This FML was brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood psycho. J/k, pretty girls can be a bit overwhelming :p

I didint even know there was an expression for that.

Rosie_Posie43 12

Well damn. Surprised she wasn't all over you after you said that

You knew she was going to steal it; don't worry about it.