Wurdz is hard

By Holy Testacles - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a cute girl sitting next to me asked if she could use my phone. As I handed it to her, I attempted to use the expression, "Knock yourself out," but for a reason I can still not fathom, it came out as, "Kill yourself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 183
You deserved it 7 960

Top comments

IconicLemon 8

HAHAHA. Your's and her face would have been priceless!


bored1091 4

Today I stopped at a store for a drink and saw a really hot girl and went over to talk to her and my conversation starter in the aisle we were in came out as so ur vigina stinks She looked at me in shock and slapped me FML

I know my comment will never be read because it is at the bottom. But, this is why I read FMLs. Funny shit like this. You sir, have made my day

Fantasya_fml 6

omg! this literally made my day.

PunkCupcake 12

Oh my god thats just awesome! Thank you for making my day sir. :)