You happened

By Anonymous - 10/09/2009 09:13 - New Zealand

Today, my 11-year-old son and I were going through some old photos. He saw one of me when I was 22 on a beach, wearing a bikini. He said "Wow! Who's that?" Quite proudly I said it was me. He looked at me and said "What happened?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 495
You deserved it 7 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell him, "you happened" he'll understand when he grows up


I have 2 kids, I lost all the weight, it was not that difficult to do. That being said, I feel like I've aged 10 years in the 3 years that I've had my kids. Very little sleep, rest and time for yourself can do that to you.

juneping 0

i would have told him "you ruined my perfect figure" :P

omgyoukilledkeny 0

OMFG ITS 10;22...IN MILLITARY TIME THATS 22:22...aww now it's 22:23.FML

klutzkat 0

The correct response to that would be,"I had kids." It's really not a big deal. Everyone looks different when they're older than from when they're younger. "What's happened," is just your 11 year old's way of saying you look different, and while he might be saying you look worse, it isn't completely necissarily the case. I mean, sheesh, he's eleven!

csc4yfe09 0

This is really cute. I like klutzkat's comment. Kid's are just unaware like that. It was innocent. But yep, I woulda responded, "You Happened" lol.

That's not much of an FML, I still think you shoulda thought of that as a compliment in a way. He thought you looked good when you were younger and I guess it should give you motivation to look that way once again. So maybe you are just over reacting, but age does horrible things to the body. I mean it does make you more immune to H1N1, but that's about it.

You should have taken out a picture of him as a baby and said "What Happened?" It's no big deal anyway your son thinks you looked good ^_^ Kids never know what they are saying anyway