You OK dude?

By Anonymous - 08/12/2010 04:18 - United States

Today, while working as a hotel guard, I found a homeless man lying in the grass. I asked him to move and he ignored me, continuing to lie there with his head resting on his arms and a big smile on his face. I got annoyed and started to yell at him. After a few minutes, I realized he was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 200
You deserved it 10 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

That's terrible :( Poor man, dying alone in the grass.

bamagrl410 31

No, but the muscles can become stiff and "freeze in place". I can't believe it took OP ten minutes to realize he wasn't responding.


hisHoneyBunny 0

that makes perfect sense. he must have died happy or thinking something happy.

SmellMyCheese 1

I really want to know what the dentist and this idiot yelling at a dead guy did after they found out they were dead? did the dentist still charge? did this guy still move the body?

RoseThorns 0

Must of been his first time getting flashed.

Omg that's horrible! He must've died feelin pretty good..

he prolly begged for food. when they refused, he ate grass, choked and died

ah well all publicity is good publicity :P seriously though poor guy :(

Die smiling... This man thinks a bit too literal.

SweptAway 0