You OK dude?

By Anonymous - 08/12/2010 04:18 - United States

Today, while working as a hotel guard, I found a homeless man lying in the grass. I asked him to move and he ignored me, continuing to lie there with his head resting on his arms and a big smile on his face. I got annoyed and started to yell at him. After a few minutes, I realized he was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 200
You deserved it 10 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

That's terrible :( Poor man, dying alone in the grass.

bamagrl410 31

No, but the muscles can become stiff and "freeze in place". I can't believe it took OP ten minutes to realize he wasn't responding.


Awwww, poor guy... atleast he was happy, I guess.

zepirothica 0

Did you poke him with your toe? I would've played bernie with him 'till he got all stiff.

you wouldn't happen to be an out of work dentist?

redmnky21 8

well... u honestly had no way of knowing and u were doing ur job, but at least he died with a smile

massivelyskilled 0

Well at least he died happy