You tried

By dumped - 26/07/2010 23:48 - United States

Today, I was in the shower and I heard my boyfriend walk in. I struck my sexiest pose and when he came in, he looked me up and down and told me, "You look like my mother." Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 676
You deserved it 5 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ew! How would he know what his mom looked like in that pose? O.o


megannnchristine_fml 0
flipflipflipidel 0

so he's seen his mother strike a sexy pose? 0.0

#16 lmfaoo I was thinking the same thing !! Got sag ? Lmao ew

kimeatszombies 22

I read 'boyfriend' as 'brother' at first and was very concerned and confused.

you look like his mother? has he seen his mother strike a sexy pose in the shower? I have many questions.