You what?

By charliesangel123 - 21/02/2010 17:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I was waiting downstairs at my boyfriend's house as he got ready to go. His mom came over and said she was so glad her son had met me, that I made him really happy. I smiled thinking how nice that was of her to say. She then continued, "Still, he tells me anal is a no?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 523
You deserved it 3 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jamila123 5

OMFG these comments rock because ppl are talking about. RWJ!! hahaha! love =3!

Dear OP, Red alert! First, he's talking to his *mother* about his sex life. And second, the mother's interest in her son's sex life hints(just a *little*) at more than mere concern regarding safety practices. Parents really should only have a vested interest insofar as their children practicing safe sex... not the details of their sexual preferences. That's a fantastically new skillet of weird shit you're getting into with his mother... for sure. Abandon that ship now, while you still can. FYL.

millvillegirl218 0

who the hell is ray william Johnson?? and this fml killed me. lmfao

so_unfortunate 0

lmao im sorry... sounds so embarassing !! :S

scotchnacid 4

It should be a no, and both him and his mom should respect that. anal is gross and painful for the girl, ad should be kept between gay couples. in my opinion. If the girl likes it, well ok whatever, but he should respect that you don't want it and NOT talk to his mom about it