
By Cupcakes - 15/04/2013 05:11 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, my boyfriend said he felt like eating icing. So I baked him cupcakes, put icing on them and decorated them. When I handed them to him, he picked off the decoration, licked the icing and handed the cupcake back to me, saying, "I told you that's all I wanted." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 656
You deserved it 53 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well he did tell you that's what he wanted...

Mads_1234 28

Wow. Your boyfriend is a bit ungrateful, huh. He could've at least said thank you for making them, even if he didn't want them.


XShade 1

To be fair, how often do people just eating icing when not in the process of preparing something that requires icing?

TheCutestLizard 28

He couldn't have said that during the hour it took you to make the cupcakes? What an ass!

And now you know how to understand men. Lesson learned. :)

perdix 29

You should have smeared icing on your lady parts. Hopefully, by the time he finished, you will have, too!

TheCutestLizard 28

Sounds like a UTI waiting to happen =P

perdix 29

#69, you are quite right, it doesn't sound particularly hygienic. Is it merely a coincidence that yours is comment 69?

Men say what they feel and what they want, and women say we're "complicated". If a woman had said "I feel like eating icing", se would've EXPECTED the cupcakes. Kinda deserve this one, but still a nice gesture. Don't be upset about it.

He said that's all he wanted... Why are you shocked?

thegood1sRtaken 8

Why couldn't he make or buy the icing? Did he even say thankyou or do you always tolerate him being rude to you?