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By StupidDentist - 20/06/2011 19:21 - United States

Today, I went to the dentist to get a filling. Instead of giving me Novocaine, my dentist decided he was going to use a special new paste on me while he drilled. It didn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 961
You deserved it 3 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caity1419 0

And you didn't stop him or tell him?


redneck0328 5

ouchtown population you bro

that seems pretty painful, I don't get why you wouldn't tell him.

Veraymix 6

If you didn't consent, you can sue!

victimization 0

my mom is a dentist and never numbs me when she works. it only hurts if you destroy your mouth FYI.

gigity 0

that's happened to me before except the dentist gave me 3 shots and it never numbed me. I know how you feel op :/

i agree with 52. novocine is not needed when the cavities are still incipient. Btw, i guess the special paste your dentist gave you was a topical anesthesia. Which is only given to numb the gums prior to injecting the novocaine. It really doesnt help when drilling. either your dentist is a dumbass or s cheapass. Find a new dentist.

AbuelaGrande 0

oh because I go to dentist and he do the fillings on me and the fillings they do not feel good so what he do is he pinch my mouth or he give me a shot and ay ay ay Dios Mio pero eso duele mucho! then he go and do the drilling but a year later the drilling come out and I say hey this no good.

So many shitty dentists out there. The last filling I got he didn't use enough to completely numb me so I had to stop him halfway through to give me another shot, and he cut the side of my mouth somehow. I feel your pain to some degree.

Randuhh_17 4

This reminds me of that Some Beach

I never gget a needle for cavitys it doesnt

I hate dentists. I never even brush my teeth and my teeth are perfect, so I'm never going to a dentist again :D if I end up losing all my teeth imma be like george and make en out of wood! hells to the yeah :D

gmc_blossom 21

"We'll give you some Novocaine, that tooth I'll be fine in a minute or two. But he stuck that needle down deep in my gum, and he started drilling, before I was numb...Some beach...somewhere.." 0-0

I normally say something obnoxious about op on this site, but this fml leaves me at a loss for words. all I can say is that ******* sucks, and I seriously feel your pain

Veraymix 6

115, I really don't believe that's the answer all the time, but if it ever turned out bad and he injured OP or caused some sort of problem (which obviously he didn't) then as a professional he should be held responsible.

It doesn't even hurt, I've had fillings without anaesthetic before

That is a pretty strong oxymoron right there.

my doctor told me that i was allergic to sugar. then i went to a specialist and he said that was impossible :/

FiestaInMyPants 8

Aren't dentists still doctors?

51. Not if you've watched the hangover!

BlastedAF 0

Nope. Dentists are people who couldn't make it as doctors

FiestaInMyPants 8

Never mind, I answered my own question. they still get the title. :P "A dentist is not a doctor of medicine (MD), or a doctor of osteopathy (DO), but instead follows a different path toward becoming medically proficient in caring for teeth and gums. In most cases, such training, which results in either a doctor of dental surgery (DDS) title, or doctor of dental medicine (DMD) degree. The abbreviation DMD comes from the Latin name, Dentariae Medicinae Doctor."

jellitonoctopus 19

This is why I hate the dentist!! Not including the reason that going to the dentist can legit kill me! LOL

wow u wrote allot u should write a book u wrote so much my attention span was so little i almost fell asleep

deliciouscake 3

^^^ that was only about four or five sentences and took me 10 seconds to read. I feel sorry for your teachers, your tutors, and the computer you're using. I had a harder time reading your comment than his.

My physician got free money off of my visit twice on my foot problem. She subscribed two medicine subscriptions and it didn't heal in a month when she said it is supposed to in one week.

kouniebabe 0

Doctors aren't stupid, not all of them at least. It's healthier for the body to use a numbing gel, if a cavity is small you can get away with just using the or zero numbing completely.

A7X_LoVeee 10
1215116a 14

It felt so good he had a tooth ******!

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

it felt so good he had a REAL ******.

No, it didn't hurt at all. He/she just randomly posted this FML.

ZAE06 0

he had an pleasuring ****** for weeks nonstop.

the first 4 were funny but after that the joke was butchered

Dont you hate getting drilled the wrong way

shaubygal 11

73 you ruined it go die in a hole

1215116a 14
kitten1323 19

Last time I got a filling my Dentist barley gave me any Novocaine, I don't know exactly how you feel but I can imagine. Ouch >

How do you stop to tell him when you have a drill in your mouth?

hubla 0

you scream in freaking agony that should let him know

flockz 19

or 1) punch him in the face 2) kick him in the nuts.

Bruno_Mars_Fan 0

They always ask me, "How are you doing?" every 5, or so, minutes.

caity1419 0

And you didn't stop him or tell him?

it really isn't that bad. I ask not to get the drugs so o can still talk afterwords

MerrikBarbarian 9

depends on how the dentist works and how close to nerves they go. also individual pain tolerance.

SmallTownCutie 0

I've never had any cavities or fillings before. I would assume... actually I'll just save everyone trouble and not assume. FYL op.

danielleeycakes 3

Suck it up. I never let my dentist give me novocaine because I hate needles. He thinks I'm crazy, but at least I can still talk afterwards. :B

gleek47 0

98- cool story wanna tell it again?!

SmallTownCutie 0

Sure 142 :) I've never had any cavities or fillings, so I would assume...actually I'll save everyone trouble and not assume. FyL op. Is that a good enough retelling?

briidontgive_ 0

Ouchh /: if I were you I could not have gone through with it, I suck at pain.

Why did you let him use it? You could have said you didn't want to be his test subject.

1215116a 14

They were probably trying to be polite and not say no, and they probably thought it would work anyways.

flockz 19

so u didnt like getting drilled?

what the heck? why did he use something that he wasn't sure would work