
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mother told my therapist that I've been reverting to childlike behavior and she was worried about my maturity, all because I screamed hysterically after dropping a pot of boiling noodles on my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 135
You deserved it 2 037

Top comments

BlackBlazeCobra 16

What did she expect you to do? Say, "oh it appears I've dropped hot noodles on my lap. This hurts intensely." Your mother needs a reality check.

Suck it up, OP. Second degree burns are a rite of passage. After this your nipples shall be gnawed off by fire ants


Suck it up, OP. Second degree burns are a rite of passage. After this your nipples shall be gnawed off by fire ants

Not sure why this comment is getting thumbed down; I thought it was pretty funny.

RvidxrKlvn 8

A lot of comments get thumbed down early. Give it time.

The prophet has spoken (and was right!).

tcdaboss 2

I could handle burns but to the crotch i think anyone would scream. Thats one hell of a rite of passage. Only him and the coffee lady from mcdonalds are in that group.

Holy shit, fire ants to the nipple?!??! That would hurt like a ************

Check out the jumping jack ant or the assassin bug on google, it will make you think twice about the fire ant haha.

Wtf!?! Ok maybe mom didn't realize it was really hot? Or she recalls you getting upset but forgot why? At least the concern for you is still there.

imavelociraptor 6

I think we need to keep in my that OP said "my therapist" as in she already had one. She must have some sort of problem besides a burned crotch...

Lol! I forgot about that part.. Mom still cares though...

I'm pretty sure I would flip out as well if I spilled a pot of boiling water on my balls.

I have poured a pot of boiling water on my balls, it's not that bad. She's just being a baby, what a lunatic.

I've had a boiling pot of noodle soup spilt on my lap when I was younger. Hurt like a bitch. Can't blame the OP for screaming.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

What did she expect you to do? Say, "oh it appears I've dropped hot noodles on my lap. This hurts intensely." Your mother needs a reality check.

I just imagined the horse in your display picture saying your ^ comment...

oj101 33

I made a blood curdling scream when a red back spider launched itself off the wall towards me whilst I was still only in my towel after I came out of the shower because I was trying to kill it. Mum still makes fun of me about it even after a week

LO388 7

26 - Must be cool having a movie star for a mother. How is Sarah Jessica Parker doing, anyways?

Give that story and this "Orly? I do what then? ", the therapist should say the mother is reverting to immaturity (or at least overprotection).

You guys have no sense of humor. *sigh*

39- No no, you just make bad comments that are supposed to be jokes but fail epically...

whiteboy896 9

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

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Water the chances of that happening? I bet it really made your temper boil that your mom thought you were acting childish. Maybe there is a pastability to get out of going to the therapist after you explain the situation.

she probably didn't remember it was BOILING HOT. At least she cares

Are you sure that's the only reason though? It might be the trigger, but chances are she's been picking up on signs a lot if she's mentioned it to the therapist. Otherwise ask her to explain examples to the therapist and if that's all she's got the therapist will get your side and explain to your Mum that the reaction was pretty normal.

chriisteex 10

Maybe you should try throwing boiling water on her lap and let her demonstrate what kind of mature reaction you're supposed to have, yeah??

chriisteex 10

Is everyone here as uptight as you are? It was a joke.

Gah, that sounds painful! Sorry OP that your mother's a bitch. Why is that childlike behavior? I want to see how she reacts to having boiling noodles dumped on her lap, and we'll see how 'childlike' she is.