By Anonymous - 05/09/2015 08:39 - United Kingdom

Today, while using a portable restroom at the park, I discovered all too late that some very hostile and territorial hornets had made it their home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 367
You deserved it 1 739

Same thing different taste


IssacB 14

Guessing it stung when you peed

Well op I'm curious where did they sting ya at?

RedPillSucks 31

better there than on the balls

Swandive235 27

I hope you're not allergic like I am. I'd be dead as shit.

chrisbeaudoin 26

Something similar happened to me once, it was the worst time for the door to get stuck and not open.

dswomi 12

Dude, I feel sorry for you now. At least OP could run away

ChaiseT 16
Dodge4x4Ram 46