By Deidle-dee - 26/10/2010 16:37 - United States

By Deidle-dee - 26/10/2010 16:37 - United States
By stillkindahorny - 13/09/2011 05:51 - United States
By stillhorny - 11/08/2021 10:01
By Anonymous - 18/08/2018 03:30
By unsatisfied - 01/02/2010 00:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/01/2013 17:20 - Ireland - Dublin
By le_evan - 29/10/2012 20:49 - United States - Los Angeles
By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 16:25 - United States - Iowa City
By Anonymous - 30/07/2022 14:00
By anon - 31/08/2014 15:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/08/2024 16:00 - Germany
haha no sex for you.
no. i'm pretty sure he just felt it too much. :p
wow silicon way to show what you do on the corner
#118 your seriously asking him to stop commenting on your boobs when your pictures is of your boobs showing???? I really don't want to see them either and it's gross to show the world,, why did you put them as your dp anyways??? if you don't want people to comment?? and btw he is not obsessed with you, he is obsessed with pissing you off.
ok so how exactly is the human body gross?, it not like I'm naked, which there's nothing wrong with, as we were born that way. ohhhh I get it, your just jealous, cuz you only with you had boobs as nice as mine. and don't comment like you know whether or not he's obsessed with me or not, cuz that between me and him, so butt out bitch!
um....... actually there us nothing wrong with the human body I just hate it when people show off what they have then tell people to stop saying shit about it cause your sort of asking for it. and I'm not jealous of you cause personally I don't think people should be judged and judge other by what rack they have and I really don't want to see it. and don't call me a bitch just cause you are a mean attention seeker
137 does not look like a pig she is beautiful and the reason we arr having this argument is cause you put your boobs on display and expect people not to say anything. thanks 137=)
lol @ boobs. I thought u had a couple of oompa loompas attached to your chest.
142 you have no idea what a pig looks like, honestly you blind? And you seem pretty mad...
lol @ all trolls
Boobzilla- I feel like your picture is a form of sexual harrassment. Stop forcing us to see your boobs. It's not that you can say "don't look" and I won't and the issue is over. They're obviously visible. Stop whining about pervs and put up your ugly face to scare them away. I realize the surgery to fix that ugly mug of yours is expensive, but we'd rather see your Shrek-like face than a.) your boobs, real or not.. Or even "yours" or not, b.) people commenting on your boobs, and c.) you complaining about people looking at them. Trust me, a bunch of us don't want to. Now shut your pie hole, and stop acting like a child.
Hi Elixa, Just wanted to say, great rack. Where'd you buy it? I'd get some too, except mine were born that big. I'd say they are the size of your head, but we don't get to see your face. Don't worry, I'm sure it's beautiful, you just didn't include it because... Er, why was that again? Too bad about the quality of the picture, but I hear that happens sometimes when you copy them from Google. Good luck with your transformation to a machine made entirely of silicone, Ophelia
Awe 62 your so sweet my darling;). I bet you also have sweet tooth as well. If your boobs are actually as big as mine, or sorry " the size of my head" then you must be morbidly obease to have yours natually that grotesquely big. But don't you worry I'm sure some guts are into Big Grotesque Slabs Of Lard.
143 aww thank you, I was wondering how I looked like a pig. I even went back and checked in the mirror if my nose looked anything like a pig nose but no. @Elixa I think you should just stay quiet you're making yourself sound dumber and dumber with every comment you post, and I didn't know you had to be fat to have big boobs. I have a lot of skinny friends with big boobs that are real.
I like your **** too
It took the OP's frustration as the guy she was with got his, but she didn't get hers. That's what happens when you date guys who aren't mature enough for sex. She should have made she he got her off before he finished, or he should have made sure as the guy's supposed too. OP's guy is selfish.
wats evryones problem wit 111?? like really do u just not like woman cuz really wats so bad about a bit of skin idk where u guys live but here in Cali it's a daly thing and to the OP u need to get laid by a guy who can hold his load
if ur so pissed bout it y are u showing it ???
I like boobies
okay one I'd just like to say that I made an fml account just so that I could comment on this post and tell you that u actually made me laugh out loud :D funniest post I have read in a while- ur deffinetly my hero :) and quote: "boobzilla" why would u want to have ur chest publicly displayed like that? u knew u were gonna get rude and innapropriate replies to that so... if that's what u wanted... congrads??
Wait, I thought guys had a refractory period after they came where they couldn't get it up. So... maybe that's why?
There is a refractory period but I wouldn't say it's absolute. I can, for example, go several times w/o actually ever losing the erection, but I suppose it's different for different people.
some people particularly younger guys still have enough childhood endurance to go at it again right away :P but it differs from guy to guy
Gota love being young :D
after you lose around 25 kilo you too may find out how guys ACTUALLY work instead of reading out of a dolly magazine
Wow, that was definitely necessary. Um, I can get a man, thanks. Can and do frequently. However, I've noticed that you don't even have a picture up. So you probably weight about three times as much as I do.
there Is a short length of time for that. maybe tmi but my boyfriend has gone several times back to back without even losing his erection. however, this guy seems to have been Inactive for quite a while and maybe he thought it would just happen again. he was probably too embarrassed to continue.
lol. I guess it is different for different guys. I'm 31 and can go multiple times, plus I can go for a while until I umm pop. maybe he was embarrassed. or he just isn't that into you
to be honest, after I go at it once and finish, I don't want to again; well not right away. I can after a couple minutes. it's not that I am unable, rather I have no desire.
I agree with the one who said he was probably embarrassed.. I mean, putting on a condom did it? That's below minute man. Give him a chance OP. You put on the condom next time. And talking about how long you last on the net is like talking about penis size: We don't give a **** and will assume you're exaggerating. Now, if you'll excuse me.. I'm off to weeklong-long sex with my go (dess(this is accurate =)) of a girlfriend. She loves the anaconThat'sThats what the ladies ca; it ;P
Jealous much 58?
I can pop 5 times in a row before I have to stop! It's like BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM! And I can last for hours on end. Aw, who am I kidding? 58 is right. FML
I was merely backing up my statement about refractory periods being different from guy to guy with an example; it just happened to be a personal one. I would never suggest that I have a "wonder ****," and I certainly didn't suggest that you should give a shit. How about you try being less of an asshole?
That still doesn't warrant such a rude comment from you. I was only replying to 58's need to say something. However, I suppose I deserved it for even replying to someone calling me a liar on the internet.
haha nice if u wait like 5 mins then I'm always ready for round 2,3,4 .... but u just gotta keep the guy in the mood
Ya. He could be quite sensitive after. AND he sounds VERY inexperienced... So he could have been embarrassed... I think you dodged a bullet... also, a word of advice. Do not give it up so easy, especially if you like the guy, Nothing good can come of it.
wrong. I always respect the chick more if she's open and wants it as much as me. if she wants it real bad but makes some lame arse excuse or puts it off I see that as MANIPULATION and mind games... and that's not going to go down well. Any way the chubby chicks saying I never give it up easy are bullshitters, when a hot guy comes along you spread those legs as easily as peanut butter :-p
loooooooooooooool i am a cockhead looooooooooooool
I actually read this wrong, I thought it said that as soon as she got on he came, but he came just from the condom...that's pretty sad. :
lol silly...
Expect the worst you can get from a shower is foot fungus
26, really??
Hell knows the worst thing you can get in a shower is butt-raped by the other inmates.
ahahaha guys, they love sex but they come to fast
Some do. Some don't.
depends on how bad ass the Guy is
Ya. He could be quite sensitive after. AND he sounds VERY inexperienced... So he could have been embarrassed... I think you dodged a bullet... also, a word of advice. Do not give it up so easy, especially if you like the guy, Nothing good can come of it.
I guess he just wasn't feeling it.