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By TheGoodTwin - 14/07/2011 15:53 - United States

Today, I discovered that my boyfriend has been having an intimate text exchange with a woman. She's the grieving widow of his friend who died three weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 368
You deserved it 2 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is something terribly wrong with your boyfriend. 1) An 'intimate text exchange' (sexting, right?) with 2) the widow of 3) his friend? Three reasons that are imo good enough to dump him - at least, if he doesn't have a good explanation/regrets it deeply. I would definitely reconsider this relationship. Sexting to another woman is a first step to cheating. Sexting to a grieving widow is an whole new level of being an arsehole.

Thats how it all starts then you find him cheating on you.


Well that's an unfortunate turn of events...

7, thank you for your sweet thoughts, but when you reply to someone it is supposed to be about the original comment.

13 - Or replying to the first comment is the best way to get your comments read by others. Just the trick of the trade, brah. Get used to it.

wintamint101 7

i doubt she's grieving anymore...

mduffy08 8
tjv3 10

it was more than likely going on for longer than just the past 3 weeks . get a new bf

to solve your grieving. start receiving!

Well I guess the grieving process works differently for some of us?

lcecreamNSadness 2

Ah! Lending Shoulders to cry on....& more.

a_nutritionist 10

its actually not that uncommon for recent widows to latch on to the first person to give them attention. having just lost the person closest to you you a) need someone to be there and as such misread your own feelings when someone does comfort you b) fear remaining alone c) usually arent in the best state of mind

StopDropNRoll 11

^ true don't mean they got to be intimate

etoilenuit 15

I think the point was her boyfriends an ass for being intimate with someone who was married to his best friend who died 3 weeks ago. Not necessarily the widows fault because the state shes in. Not only is he "cheating" if you want to call it that, but that's a "douchy" thing to do.

sxe_beast 11

He's just trying to be nice and console her... Gah, you sound like a bitch >.>! 3 way?

JennaMason 6

you have such a great boyfriend... 3 way? I'm sure it will make both you and her feel better. :)

kingtz 6

Jenna, I love you. You'll make someone a very happy boyfriend!

CaptainPickles72 18

It's funny how if a girl suggest a 3 way on here it gets thumbed up! Yet if a guy suggest it it gets thumbed down. XD

abcd4242 0

Jenna I think your going to make your partner really really happy

proxxX069069 7

I think it's cuz open minded women are more awesome, cuz most dudes are naturally already.

Why did you people thumb down 19 and 41? Seriously?

I've tried this. surprisingly no, it doesn't help :L

flyingsheep1838 0

lol another Jenna Mason fake wtf people hahahahaha

trgower13 0

Jenna i want to date you b/c you would make any guy happy!!!

#5, If you are going to claim to be someone (in this case Jenna Mason) use photos of the ACTUAL person and not of some girl going into grade 10.

Simply because I know the girl in the photo.

Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole. Don't DUMP him, necessarily, but you two definitely need to talk about this.

Normally a bunch of thumbs-down on a comment are a pretty accurate indication of it being lame or stupid, but what in the world? Are we all against open and honest communication now? Yet someone suggesting a three-way when it's clear that the OP finds the situation disturbing is applauded. I suppose FML isn't the greatest cross-section of humanity, anyway.

-54, the way Ive seen it, it's more like the first thumbs up or thumbs down decides how the comment will be rated regardless of it being good or not, most of the time

a_nutritionist 10

@54 no, a lot of thumbs up or down only indicates the popular vote. nothing more.

Thats how it all starts then you find him cheating on you.

There is something terribly wrong with your boyfriend. 1) An 'intimate text exchange' (sexting, right?) with 2) the widow of 3) his friend? Three reasons that are imo good enough to dump him - at least, if he doesn't have a good explanation/regrets it deeply. I would definitely reconsider this relationship. Sexting to another woman is a first step to cheating. Sexting to a grieving widow is an whole new level of being an arsehole.

I have to agree entirely with this. However it never says how long this 'text exchange' has been going on, but either way, he's still an asshole for doing that to both the OP and his so called friend.

je_suis_fml 11
a_nutritionist 10

howd we jump from intimate texts to sexting? he could have simply been telling her shes a gorgeous woman, who hed ask out if he were single, etc etc. kind of a leap to go from intimate to sexting. i still think hes an idiot, but i really think people are jumping on the cheating bandwagon way too easily.

You have a point there. I was assuming the OP was using the word intimate to mean something of a romantic nature, or at least, a nature beyond friends. But she could be overly jealous about a series of texts that she's misconstrued. This is why I never used to assume anything about an FML. But sometimes, you either have to, or you do without realising it because of the way you've read it.

"he could have simply been telling her shes a gorgeous woman, who hed ask out if he were single, etc etc." Well, then it isn't sexting, but it's still something you don't do if you're in a relationship and/or to a grieving widow. It's still plain disturbing.

a_nutritionist 10

@82 yes but you can see that his heart may have been in the right place if hes saying those things, rather than just flat out sexting. its stupid, rather than deceptive. or, thats the way i see it anyway :P im not saying it WASNT sexting, but intimate doesnt just imply sex.

but the thing is when your with someone intimacy should be between the partners. when it reaches outside the relationship that's when it's cheating, emotional cheating. women take this very seriously while men just think it's harmless fun...... til they FALL into someone!

intimate usually goes hand in hand with love making, am I right? and they obviously can't do it over texts so I would assume OP meant sexting

prolly just tryin to make her feel better?

he's either trying to be there for her or he's a complete douche :P

"The road to hell is often paved with good intentions." And you're right, he might've simply been trying to help, but that doesn't really make up for the fact that he's crossed a line.