Cheers, asshat
By gross - 15/07/2011 01:09 - Canada

By gross - 15/07/2011 01:09 - Canada
By Jesus - 21/04/2009 14:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/03/2020 08:00
By CircleBruise - 08/06/2010 23:58 - United States
By totallyembarassed - 07/07/2012 04:08 - United States - Charlotte
By Jake - 02/10/2012 11:52 - United States - Athens
By peopleinthepark - 30/05/2009 14:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/07/2012 03:36 - United States - Chicago
By Anonymous - 30/01/2022 13:59
By honeynuggetviolin - 01/05/2013 00:31
By Otherguy - 18/11/2008 07:36 - France
I saw a lady throw a bag of dog shit into a guitar case once and the guy sniffed it true story
Cool story, bro
why did she just happen to have dog shit on her? and why was the guy in the FML carrying a used condom?
well.... Thats nice
nice original comeback , bro
#12 her dog did it's bidness and she picked it up in a bag and threw the bag I and he's like "what the hell is this" but he kept it
12 - Yeah if you can't think of something better to say, don't say anything at all. OP - That's revolting! Some people just have no shame!
12 - your not black. stop trying to be.
I'd bleach it and cover it with fabric or stickers or posters. I'd personally not touch it again but ya you need the case and probably not willing to buy another one
Eww, this comment and OP's story are just gross. I mean, a used condom, that is just ... disturbing. But a guy sniffing dog sh¡t is also so wrong. I nearly threw up ! (: but I'm fine lol.
so some guy just randomly had a used condom in his pocket to toss at someone?
Or hisself, and prefers to wear sanitary socks.
eww what an ass. that's messed up.
that is just disgusting. I would have punched said person right in the face.
looks like op got found himself in a sticky situation
looks like op... (puts on sunglasses) should have protected himself. YEAHHHH! sorry for the shitty pun, 78 stole the one I wanted.
Whatever! one has to question why OP was playing for money on the street, yet somehow has the means to post on this website. YDI!!
That is disgusting and rude. I'm sorry for you OP, I hope you have better luck soon.
What a classy gentleman.
What a sticky situation.
It's a sad day when millions of people will stay at home and watch Jersey Shore, but very few people will give people with a real talent common respect or even attention. **** people like him. They're just a waste of space.
you shouldve taken your guitar and thrown it at him! xD
but then how would he make more money?
just don't hit the guy to the point where the guitar breaks because that would be wasting a good guitar on a stupid ass.
If you hit someone with an acoustic guitar without breaking it, you might as well just tap them on the shoulder with a magazine. Those things are fragile, you wouldn't do any damage without breaking it.
5 You dumbass.
I don't even think Lysol could help! :E
Dude, that's just gross.
That's really gross, he obviously has no class!
I saw a lady throw a bag of dog shit into a guitar case once and the guy sniffed it true story
eww what an ass. that's messed up.