By drsyl54 - 28/03/2010 09:04 - Australia

By drsyl54 - 28/03/2010 09:04 - Australia
Just to answer a few questions... He's 18. I'm almost certain it was about the sex- I don't mind when I'm light, but at the start the cramps are unbearable, so no sex, not oral either. And he's just ignorant- he's actually a very intelligent person. This is the OP btw, not sure if the name will come up the same.
Retard... OP, your (ex) boyfriend is about as mentally challenged as #1.
ahahaha. "like every single month" xD I laughed
******* a girl on her period is the best its like ******* a virgin
when youve been to prison you get what you can
Paige, you look so different with that new picture! holy crap. . .anyway about the fml I loled, evenni am not that stupid
Turtles don't have periods
that's nastyyyy....
haha wow. that's hilarious. atleast it's not every week
Feminazi alert. Watch out for brieanna.
lol your boyfriend is dumb hope he's your ex now :) because he's too stupid not to know that girls get there period once a month lol fyl
maybe he wanted her to be in those birth control things that makes you not have your period every month but be happy your not dating him anymore.
I agree lol ha tho I'm a 15 year old virgin guys need to use the brain god gave us lol
lol I love u number 10. no ****. btw number 1 u look lik a ******* gorilla
lmao! what a ****** idiot! lol he must want an older woman going through menapause. or how ever it's spelt.
92 haha that's funny
did he not pay attention in sex Ed class????
there's nothing wrong with having sex on your period....i don't bleed till the end of's not that gross... IN FACT my period ends sooner when I have sex on it. but then again I like to have sex with vampires....
if he's hard up enough, he won't care if he gets a little messy while he's getting some. besides, some women are more horny during that time of the month. that asshat has a lot to learn, and you are better off w/o him
sure, the guy is a total bitch. but I keep wondering... what if the OP is the queen of all bitches when she's surfing the red sea? just a thought. maybe it's not about the sex, maybe OP's got a nasty attitude. however, if that were the case, the guy shouldve talked to her instead of dumping her.
Guys can't periods? Oops, better get that checked out..
#92- Win.
bahahaha!!! and men
girls should pmsing so we don't have to hear about
18 is a *****.
that's just.. disappointing.
Sounds like your relationship has come to a period...
Boys are stupid. This is why I've only dated older men.
33: maybe he didn't want to **** her, maybe he just didn't like being around her psycho ass every month.
I wanna know HOW OLD IS UR BF???or ex w/e. How the hell would he NOT know girls get it every month???
I hate girls man...y'all bleed for a ****** week every month n y'all good. I GET SHOT N I ALMOST DIE WITHIN THE FIRST TWO HOURS. Not cool man. for real though. not fair
#138 STFU. You put up a pic of an aging actor because you're so proud of your looks, right? GTFO, troll. You're pathetic.
I tried to think of a joke involving the bf saying pissing and her having her period, but couldn't think of anything, so I just wrote this
167- boys are always completely stupid, way to generalize
Boys and girls are both equally competent.
that's funny. lol
186- yup :) exactly my point I use the saying: You're as stupid as I am. am i stupid or am I smart :)
I <3 bleeding vaginas.. just another reason to get some head
Very smart, I'm sure, Story(:
haha. funni lol
did you know you can take birth control pills and never take the placebos and be just fine not having periods? it's true. all the pills do is give your body enough hormone so that it acts like you are in the early stages of pregnancy indefinitely. why don't standard bc pills not have placebos? because the inventor was catholic and wanted to make the pill "more natural" but the pill was condemned anyway.
what a dumb ass thank goodness you arent with him anymore
#114 is a *****
213: Agreed.
105 is HOTTTT
114. haha! that's hilarious:)
175 is funny...... oh that's me..... how lame was that
what a douchebag.
It's not a Disney character and yes, I called you a troll. How does whether or not I get out enough have anything to do with my pic, your lack of balls, or your cowardly (and corny) bullying of some stranger online? I repeat, you're pathetic. You might as well have just said "ur gay" or some other clever retort within your range. I am not at all surprised a picture of a girl scared you. Don't worry, troll, stay inside ogling Brad and you'll never have to encounter one in real life.
Q: What did one lesbian vampire say to the other? --- A (backwards): ?htnom txen emit emas ---
brieanna101, desparate LRN2ENGLISH,KTHXBYE
lol it's funny how many people said YDI.....
that dude isn't all that bright
what the hell is wrong with u?!?!?
it must must feel wired for ya girls , ya know blood coming out and shat
Never trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
Learn to use proper grammar, dumb bitch.
hahaha! that is the first real lol I've ever had! email me at my names brandon
thats gross.btw how old are you!?
eww ******* on ur period? seriously!! What the **** is wrong with u ppl thats so gross, when i read some of the comments i like puked in my mouth. Why would guys want nasty vaginal blood all over their dicks. Gosh that is purely vulgar.
your boyfriend's a bit of a dumbass:)
smart girl. no clean up. mr. vamp will do it all for u!
at least she's got the balls to show it, shlongy.
nice name
awww u suck. nothing like bloody sex
and I bet your to hot for a real pic
Yeah, I don't know what the big deal is... Some girls are more horny on their period, too. And you CAN get it over faster by having sex, you just kinda drag Aunt Flo out by the hair and send her packing. FYI: the bonus is that you can pretend you're ******* her to death!
I would assume he broke up with you because maybe you have PMS times it something lol
*menopause, sorry(: but that IS a benefit of being old, periods suck.
138.. no need to randomly be a douchebag.
haha nice
#1 is hot
that made me LOL!
#52..eww..wouldnt the situation smell like fish & flesh!!...ugh!
gotta love them retarded boys(:
wooow...113 you're face will give me nightmares for a long, LONG time!!
thanks :D
better off without him! what a nimrod!
yea! sounds like he should be into dudes if he can't deal with a females cycle.
he didn't take any sex Ed classes in school? he might as well turn gay if he doesn't like periods.
114 is a hottie. the pill makes the period short and almost non existent for the girls ive dated. they all liked my rod in them when they were hot, swollen, and horny. ive even gotten bjs after.
LOL!!!!!!! he is an idiot!
what a dumbass....
lol That guy is never gonna get a girl. You're better off, OP.
totaly agree with ya, isn't he just gay or something?
Actually, he clearly already got one. Also, it doesn't mean he's gay, just stupid.
I don't think Muslims are allowed to, either... Can someone confirm this? Personally, I have no idea why anyone would even want to.
you tend to be more horny during your period. you're more emotional and it's always felt like you connect better. atleast for me. don't knock it til you try it. obviously not while you're bleeding like a stuck pig, but on a light day. you can actually get pregnant while you're on your period. believe me, it happens. but very rarely. as far as whether certain religions aren't allowed to do it, I have no clue. no matter how religious you are, you should still have your own mind and do what you wanna do. and every person will interpret the "rules" differently.
to sourgirl101: you can still get pregnant when you have sex during your period. ask your doctor. again.
Saarr, I'm thinking you're gay. and I understand everyone has their different views on this, but I'd like it if OP could explain if it was just because he really is that f*cking stupid, or most likely because he wanted an excuse to break up with her <--- probably the stupidest excuse on earth. OP, congrats on losing the stupidest mother-f*cker you could find. Hope the next one isn't as much of a reh-tard.
sourgirl, #113 is right. The safest time is right after your period ends but it's still not 100% safe. Please use precautions.
Nope, Muslim's can't. Well, I shouldn't say can't, it's more like shouldn't. There's a theory behind it though because of cleanliness and such.
haha I'm not gay.
and I didn't say something is wrong with being gay? so why are people hatin'? I was serious bout thinking that.
How could you be so selfish! D:
yeah really how could u? I mean every month?!?!?!?
haha, how can he not know that that's normal? such an idiot
How old is the prick!? 10?!
actually...this is sad but even I get frustrated sometimes.
hahaha boys are funny
guys don't get periods it's so annoying I once had one of my boyfriends ask if we could still have sex.. "IM ******* BLEEDING I DONT WANT YOUR DICK UP THERE" stupid