By drsyl54 - 28/03/2010 09:04 - Australia
duker01 tells us more.
Just to answer a few questions... He's 18. I'm almost certain it was about the sex- I don't mind when I'm light, but at the start the cramps are unbearable, so no sex, not oral either. And he's just ignorant- he's actually a very intelligent person. This is the OP btw, not sure if the name will come up the same.
Top comments
lol that sux
wow ur bf is an IDIOT but I kindof agree with him - is it really necessary that we have our period every month.....
19—You pretty much just called yourself an idiot.
Thank you, 43. I never would have known. Why did you even bother posting that?
your a huge ******* ****. all you do is bitch at people on the Internet. please stop, k thanks:)
Lesbians are females. They menstruate. Unless she is a nine year old lesbian, it is safe to assume she understands how pregnancies happen.
Yeah sure, cuz you know me so well; yeah Im Kissing my bf on the picture.. So what? I also got à boyfriend and i'm pretty sure I'm not gay. wtf is wrong with you people. I don't mind gay people or something but I really tought he could be gay.
Tell him that's too bad, because you were really looking forward to having anal with him one week a month. What a tool.
I lol'd more at that than the actual FML. To all the gay comments, if he wants to not have to deal with period then yes, he will turn gay. to OP: sucks, but at least you got rid of him before you carried on his line?, -shudder-
He will not have to turn gay to avoid periods. Not all women menstruate. Some have amennorhea for one reason or another. It would make for an awkward pick-up line though. "Hey, baby, you're hot. Do you vaginally bleed regularly?" BTW, I don't think that's how homosexuality works.
boy is he going to be dissapointed when or should I say if he ever gets another girlfriend.
What, doesn't he like feeling like he just stabbed a small animal to death?
hahaha boys are funny
guys don't get periods it's so annoying I once had one of my boyfriends ask if we could still have sex.. "IM ******* BLEEDING I DONT WANT YOUR DICK UP THERE" stupid