By anonymous - 28/07/2011 05:39 - United States
Same thing different taste
By shitface - 25/01/2010 10:18 - Australia
By Noname - 04/12/2008 04:39 - France
By applesmama - 17/09/2011 04:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/04/2014 22:35 - Canada - Concord
By Anonymous - 01/06/2018 15:00
Child's play
By Misbah Akhtar - 21/11/2020 12:59 - United Kingdom - Plymouth
By Anonymous - 15/10/2010 00:25 - United States
By NooOOooOO - 11/10/2017 23:15
By WhosGoingToCleanThisUp - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
By mom - 26/01/2014 04:29 - United States - Spring
Top comments
that sucks.
but does it suck, shit balls?
It does not,in fact,suck shit balls.
How does one become to have "shitty balls" or do I even wanna know?
Are you making fun of my chin?
of course he isn't, there's no shit on your chin.
^Your dumber then Meg.
Why didn't I think of this sooner? I wonder where the kid got the idea.
she probably learned the word from watching The Jersey Shore :P
Nice to know I'm not the only one getting annoyed by "TheRealPeter" >.
Oh shit balls!
Me too!
Not that I think language is a big deal, but four years old is just ridiculous. Also, where could she have heard it? Even 'tv 14' rated programs bleep out the word shit. So bad parenting on OP's part for either letting the child watch uncensored tv, or for letting it slip.
hopefully she was referring to her parents cuz you sound like a bunch of shit balls to me
no shit Sherlock
New... Jersey. Enough said.
wow or maybe she was referring to the comment 2 posts above?
@ 105 Because a four year old doesn't know how to use a remote to change the channel, or use a computer. Certainly, she never leaves the house and could not have heard it from a random stranger at the store. (Sarcasm)
holy shit balls batman!
Funny... That's what my grandfather always used to call Timbits.
I agree watch all the kids start sayinn this.(: haha
like father/mother like daughter
#2 how about mental flatchulense I can't spell it it's a fancy way to say brain fart
haha one of my friend's first words were "**** off"
so what you're saying is as a kid you would swear if you died in a video game? that is so interesting, I've never heard of anyone doing that before. I bet you're the only one.
Yeah I know! And dammit is so terrible too... -_-
x uj
ya ikr i am enjoying that saying
win in?
Lose in?
85 I like how your picture and comment are a perfect match:)
Tie in?
The only one "winning" is me with your mom. Nhyeayeayeayeyayeyea
she must of learnt it somewhere
well obviously she learned it somewhere, she is 4. I don't think she knows what balls of shit are
Hahahah I used to say that all the time
my teacher says that sometimes. Where did that little girl pick it up tho.........
You're teacher seems to be a very nice role model for students...
most ppl understand and if they were being graded by professionals theyd care enough to be proper but this is the internet bro.
19- You are teacher? Strange...
Exactly what I was thinking!!!
bad parenting?
kids pick up stuff like that, it happens. it doesn't mean the kid's parents are bad.

Oh, shit balls.
LMFAO it might be me my new one too!!:P