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By Anonymous - 26/04/2012 04:36 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I discovered that my daughter refuses to eat, but not because she's anorexic. Apparently, her health class has learned about the digestive system and now she refuses to "take part in something so gross." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 981
You deserved it 2 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just wait until she's older and they talk about sex.

jerseyboy732 16

give her a couple days. she will eat eventually


Just wait until she's older and they talk about sex.

Yea but until than she has to eat something thou.

jerseyboy732 16

think I can vouch for everyone on here when I say sex isn't really that "gross"

Just wait till she finds out about scat **** :/

archenemybtch 0

As much as I enjoy it, when you really think about it, sex is pretty damn gross.

thiscrazything 1

Those of you that think sex is gross, it think you may be doing something wrong. But I don't thing OP has to worry about her daughter having sex if she learns about what she would have to expel 9 months later.

But how much older ? Come to think of it, I'd actually like to know how old OP's daughter is right now.

bigmackin35 0

19 and 65 I'd give more thumbs ups if I could

70- it's called using protection...having sex doesn't automatically mean getting pregnant and having to "expel" a baby nine months later. And when you think about it, 28 is right. Sex is great (or it should be) but it's pretty gross when you think of all that bodily fluid and stuff...

n_epic_fail 14

Cook up her favorite meal, bake a cake, or take the family out to dinner. Her willpower will give.

Laurenlou 24

All of you saying sex is gross; it's not. It's meant to be very beautiful and only between a man and a woman. It's the gift of reproduction from God. :)

^ oh my God. I hope you are trolling. Get out. That is ridiculous.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

99 - Don't shove your religion onto FML. I hope you're trolling because sex can be enjoyed between a man and a man, a woman and a woman, and a man and a woman. SEX HAS NO GENDER RULES; Not from society and NEVER from "god".

RaquelW 7

19 and 70 - If you don't think sex is gross, you'be probably never had it, or are really boring with it.

Maybe your just not using enough paper bags, or you are just doing it wrong. lol

thiscrazything 1

RaquelW maybe you should think before you comment. Just so you know, I have been having sex since long before you were born, and it has never been boring or gross. One of the purest forms of pleasure on this world.

thiscrazything 1

Oh, wait a minute, I take it back, there was that one time in the jello tub. Yeah, that was pretty gross.

Wait until she starts talking about sperm and if you take it in wrong and making babies abd that kinda shit

CaroAurelia 12

Well, science makes it sound gross. But science makes everything sound gross.

jerseyboy732 16

give her a couple days. she will eat eventually

Well op's Daughter is simply idiot or special ..... Very special

Until then... Let the Annual Hunger Games begin!

44 - All I see is sweet, delicious irony in your comment.

KiwiKitten 2

Or she could be completely stupid and insane.... (sarcasm, trolls) Nah, she'll snap outta it eventually. Probably the next morning when she wakes up and she's so hungry it feels like her stomach is about to eat itself. Am I the only one that happens to?

That's still considered anorexia - not anorexia nervosa, which is a specific disorder related to anorexia (not eating, no matter what the cause).

I think you need to check your definitions again.

Errr... No. Fear of eating or refusing to eat doesn't automatically class you as Anorexic.

30, don't people with anorexia have a fear of eating and/or refuse to eat?

The word 'anorexia' means the absence of desire to eat. Therefore, the girl technically has anorexia. To be classified as anorexic though, there are other criteria that have to be filled.

So if I don't eat breakfast does that mean I'm anorexic?

#42 Just stop there. Skipping only one meal does not make you anorexic. People with anorexia fear eating too much, as it will result in weight gain, which conflicts with their body image. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure people with anorexia skip a lot more meals than just breakfast. So to answer your question, no.

The medical term anorexia doesn't mean and ONLY mean anorexia nervosa, its an encompassing term that has several specific sub-diseases, like how a genus of animals doesn't describe a single species. You guys are thumbing him down because the medical definitions don't fit what you associate with "anorexia"?

Where's DocBastard when you need him?

Anorexia is the medical term for loss of appetite. Because anorexia and anorexia nervosa are used interchangeably its hard to make the distinction, especially because the literal translation of anorexia nervosa is not entirely accurate in accordance to the disease itself. But I think the term anorexic is generally used for anorexia nervosa so no, she's not anorexic but yes she may have anorexia if she lost her appetite because of how gross bodily functions are.

Anorexia can be very loosely defined. My friend was classified as anorexic by his doctor despite the fact that he does eat.

My dad taught a kid once who refused to eat potatoes after discovering that they grew in the ground and were therefore dirty! FFS!

As a parent you should give her full support

Full support for her daughter refusing to eat? genius Parenting level: greenmen

wlddog 14

Full support????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Someone doesn't have kids. That's just the kind of thing someone with no parenting experience says. For your future kids sake, grow up a bit before reproducing.

Greenman, you have my full support, and I don't care how many thumbs down I get. There is a good chance OP's daughter is doing this for attention, so if you act supportive, she will likely hesitate. And if she is not doing it for attention, then her body will likely force her to eat in some capacity. Oh, and I think greenman was joking anyway...

RaquelW 7

107- if she is so desperate for attention that she refuses to eat, she might have slightly bigger problems than encouraging her to stick with it will help.

Teabubbles 8

"Mom, Dad, i learned something in health class so im not gonna eat anymore, ok?" Mom/Dad- " Ohhh honey what a fabulous idea! Go hungry for as long as you want, and hey while your at it, wanna help us get rid of all the food in the fridge??" .....

G'damn, guys, greenmen was obviously making a joke.

That's a shame. I guess I will just have to eat this juicy burger, seasoned fries, and mixed berry cheesecake all on my own then...

Damnit now I'm hungry and there aren't burgers ore cheesecake within reach > .

7 you can share that cheesecake if you like (:

I just became hungry while reading this...

That's a great thing to tell a starving college student.

She may come around after she finds out about what happens to the insides when you starve yourself...

mhopper 13

Bones deteriorating, sunken face, bulging eyes... definitely worse!

uzworm 4

You deserve it for having such a stupid kid.

jerseyboy732 16

how is this OPs fault? your the stupid one!

Damn it, 29, what about MY the stupid one? You never pay any attention to MY the stupid one!

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Dammit 39, you stole my thunder!!!

Damn it, 40, and I was in the middle of editing, so now we've all said "Damn it" (or some variation thereof) all redundantly! Curses! Thwarted again!!

What? Had she never noticed the stuff that comes out the other end before? I'd think the explanation of what goes on in between would be helpful if anything, but it takes all kinds, I suppose.

I almost wish OP mentioned how old the daughter was. I'd assume most preteens or older kids kind of had an idea of what goes on in there :/

Seriously... bodies are gross. Fact of life. Keep it in good condition and most of the gross stays out of sight.

"... and most of the gross stays out of sight." For a limited time only.