By Anonymous - 26/04/2012 04:36 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I discovered that my daughter refuses to eat, but not because she's anorexic. Apparently, her health class has learned about the digestive system and now she refuses to "take part in something so gross." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 972
You deserved it 2 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just wait until she's older and they talk about sex.

jerseyboy732 16

give her a couple days. she will eat eventually


TheFamilyElf 17

Ah, you've raised a very intelligent young lady. Congratulations, OP. You know, you could use her aversion to things she finds gross to your advantage.

thamack408 11

If she doesnt eat, how will she live!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Well, she certainly won't be sustaining herself on question marks and exclamation points since those are all used up now.

izzy7 11

Let her starve. Stupidity doesn't need to spread to the next generation.

thiscrazything 1

Natural selection, at it's finest.

You should get online and find some stuff to show her about what the body does when it doesn't get the necessary nutrients. I can assure you it is far more disgusting than the digestive system.

Let her know what happens when you don't eat sure she will come around

Babydoll4ever 7

May the odds be for ever in your favor.

If she's young I could understand it, if she's a teenager, I'd say fine, see you when you get hungry!! 60- clever you are haha

alexicanaaa 7

Your child...yeah, she's pretty stupid.

Girls aren't supposed to sh*t. No, it's all human.

Be thankful she doesn't have anorexia. She'll tire of her hunger strike pretty soon; just remind her that digestion is a natural process and that it's the only way to stay healthy. I also like Kenuru's idea of letting her decide -- while eating something really delicious in front of her. Hopefully she will eat by the morning.