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By Anonymous - 18/06/2016 16:16 - United States - Bell

Today, my son was crying because he wanted his daddy, and he asked when he can see him. I had no idea what to say, given his dad left us in the middle of the night last year, now lives in another country, and told me he never wants to see us again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 128
You deserved it 1 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry OP. This happened to me when I was younger and I never understood it. It gets easier for the kid with time, but LOTS of it. just know your ex is kind of a piece of shit for leaving you and your kid and not bothering to be a parent to his own son.

That's got to be hard, your child will figure it out on their own one day... There are no words, to say to comfort him, just reassure him you will never leave... It gets easier with time..


I'm sorry OP. This happened to me when I was younger and I never understood it. It gets easier for the kid with time, but LOTS of it. just know your ex is kind of a piece of shit for leaving you and your kid and not bothering to be a parent to his own son.

nicolai44 12

Kind of? I was thinking her ex is a total and complete piece of shit.

HorrorJr 26

Oh... That's... I'm sorry op D:

Oh my goodness, I can't imagine how hard it must be on you. FYL, I'm so sorry that happened.

I'm just wondering. Who would be the person to thumbs down all these comments?

Probably people who left their spouses/children and feel entitled in doing so....

No.... #51 I don't think anybody should have the "entitlement" to leave their child permanently with the intent of never seeing them again. That's not exactly okay. Even if the kid is still in good hands with the spouse, you're that child's parent and you're supposed to take care of them. It's a moral contract really.

If you don't want children, have a vasectomy. Don't risk getting a woman pregnant and her wanting to have the baby.

That's got to be hard, your child will figure it out on their own one day... There are no words, to say to comfort him, just reassure him you will never leave... It gets easier with time..

You can't just refuse to talk about it. That's just going to make it harder in the end, and you don't want them finding out your lie of omission.

there is no way she can explain it where it makes sense and the child doesn't think it's their fault no matter how much you tell them it isn't. until the child is older he won't understand. it took me until I was 23 to understand why my dad left when I was 9 and it takes a while to build back a relationship, I'm going to be 27 soon and it still feels awkward for me. I'm an adult, I don't need a parent but he missed me being a kid and he regrets it. it's on the dad, not the child but the child won't get that for quite a while.

That's low...Especially when there's a kid involved. Took the cowardliest of cowardly ways sorry :/

Ugh. My son says he misses his dad too and I have no idea what to tell him. I feel for both of you.

Wow, that's rough. One day you'll have to tell him the truth, but from the sound of it he's not going to want to hear it. All you can do is be a great parent yourself. If you're awesome, he'll be ok!

The truth may not always be a good answer

The sooner she break me it to him, the better. Well, better than stringing the little guy along to think that he's in the Peace Corps or something.

sohigh10 34

You really think a child can handle being told that his father left him? Lying is not the solution, but the truth is way too harsh for such a young age.

Wow. These douche bag people hitting YDI are saying a kid deserves to cry cos their dad left them. Y'all are shitty people.

yah I don't get the responses either so much. was more clear cut with fml and ydi.

I'm on the ap where it still shows YDI.

Maybe you need to update it? Or it's an error... Because I'm on the app too, and what I see instead of "YDI" is "Phew, glad it wasn't me".....

In this case, the new answer is a rather pointless change. So you have the option of saying, "I sympathize with your plight," or "Better you than me." Not in so many words, of course. But God, that is a horrible situation. My father was always loving and supporting, so I can scarcely imagine what your child is going through.