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By Anonymous - 16/01/2011 02:33 - United States

Today, we were celebrating my birthday and my boyfriend thought it would be funny to shove my face in the cake. While the candles were still lit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 977
You deserved it 3 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

(Boyfriend's Log, Entry No. 224) |Homicide Attempt 1 = Failure, will try again tomorrow.| "Honey what's that?" "Um....nothing."

OUCH, how smart of him. Hope you didn't have burns. :S Btw. Was the cake good anyway? Happy Birthday. LOL.


hah, that's a BURN!!!!! are I clever? tee hee!

darkaqua3498 3

omg if it was my bf who did that I'd dump him or not talk to him for a while, or slap him across the face.

WallyTheWombat 0

OP, next time you go down on him, use teeth, I heard he likes that. And when he says he's almost there, stop and don't continue till he agrees to do the dishes for a month.

Alanah101 0

How funny. I like the suggestion #46.

BigEV 0

Well, I don't think you would have caused a scene in front of the guests anyway.

percawesome 0

Well, isn't that just the icing on the cake?

OUCH, how smart of him. Hope you didn't have burns. :S Btw. Was the cake good anyway? Happy Birthday. LOL.

XxKyttixX 0

Damn ow! I can't imagine what he was thinking, in what universe would that be a good idea?

Bet he has shoved that face somewhere else to. That sucks though that he'd do that.

How else was he going to put the candles out?

the real problem is, how old are you? the older you are, the more i feel sorry for the burn :)