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By Anonymous - 16/01/2011 10:48 - Canada

Today, I went to get a tattoo of my girlfriend's name to surprise her. Halfway through the tattooing, she called and broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 613
You deserved it 71 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Yeah, put 'Lisa' on my upper arm. Wait, I'm getting a call. Wait, what? You want to see other people? Shit. Yo, change that to 'Lick my sack'. Thanks."


Haha nice one, #1. Inkredible. op, tattoo "sucks" right after it(:

jdawgg92 1

Fail, you never tatoo a chicks name ever. The only tattoo that includes a name should be of your kids as that will never change and they are your blood. YDI.

Pshh, psychopatic murderers have parents too. I would suggest to simply don't tattoo names on yourself.

Your best option now is to keep it and when your next girlfriend asks what it is, you reply "My 'hit list.' My last girlfriend screwed me over so she's the first to go." Whenever y'all get in to a fight, just point to the tattoo.

Your best option now is to keep it and when your next girlfriend asks what it is, you reply "My 'hit list.' My last girlfriend screwed me over so she's the first to go." Whenever y'all get in to a fight, just point to the tattoo.

Sounds too good to be true.. But if it really happened, YDI

lexy216 0

don't u know that's the curse, tattoo ur b/f or g/f & soon you'll break up, only few people have not had this happen to them

therealdavid 0

Yea you would think people would learn from the mistakes of others, apparently not >.< The closest to a name I'd get (and already have) is my minor case zeta on my wrist, but my name begins with Z and is a greek word, so if anything it's just a little narcissistic - but hey I know I won't change my name! An old friend from school got her fiancé's name on her hip, they broke up a year later lol... almost to the day *dramatic music*

ok this fml sounds super fake to be honest I mean what are the odds of this really happening plus that's why you always make sure this is the girl you want to be with forever and make sure she feels the same way!

Dibman 3

#110 you beat me to it lol! Was gonna say didnt you know it was bad luck to have a partners name tattooed lol!

have fun crying for the next few days!

when will people learn DO NOT get a girls name tatted on urself lol u deserve it bro a tat needs meaning

deideimuffins 0

your fault for getting a tattoo of your gf's name...well ex gf now. you should never do that

xixifwadi 0

If you get anyones name tattooed on your person. They better be dead. It's the only way not to look like a dumb ass.

K410 18

He should change the tattoo to YDI :p

I know a guy who had his girlfriend name 'grace' tattooed on his back, eventually they broke up so he got the tattoo artist to tattoo 'dis' in front of the name... YDI OP

lmao, sure to him that's witty but to everyone else it's like he's labeling himself a disgrace , EPIC fail

Should finish the tat and have BitchAssSlut in paranthesis next to it =))

LightningLadyy 0

Well at least he could try to make something out of it if he was only halfway through. Totally deserved it~

If her name was Sadie, youd be left with 'Sad' on your arm. YDI.

Rule #1 for tattoos, NO NAMES OF GFs!!!!!!

No names of significant-others in general (boyfriends or girlfriends, husbands, etc.). Nor pets, parents, or even kids, really. It's begging the universe to go Murphy on you. The only time you should tattoo a name on yourself is as a posthumous honor to the person/pet/etc. you cared about. Everything else is begging for disaster.

"Yeah, put 'Lisa' on my upper arm. Wait, I'm getting a call. Wait, what? You want to see other people? Shit. Yo, change that to 'Lick my sack'. Thanks."

sourgirl101 28

Lol. And if they do get back together, he could still show her the directions.(:

KingDingALing 9

I have "Docbastard" tattooed on my left butt cheek... Everyone seems to like it! :D Not that everyone sees it of course...

KaitiMarie 0

I have my signature on my right butt cheek; like a cabbage patch doll :)