By KiDCuSHi - 20/08/2011 04:58 - Canada

By KiDCuSHi - 20/08/2011 04:58 - Canada
By Poem - 19/12/2009 04:29 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/06/2012 04:53 - United States - Lancaster
By Nicki - 21/12/2011 12:30 - Canada
By randomdude3890 - 11/02/2015 04:58 - United States - Bellevue
By ITalkGood - 28/12/2009 00:37 - France
By Anonymous - 13/09/2013 06:53 - United States - Prairie City
By Oops54321 - 28/09/2009 07:12 - France
By kingmetal42 - 09/02/2010 19:10 - France
By McKenna - 16/07/2011 04:10 - United States
By Stuby14 - 23/11/2015 14:31 - United States - Brookings
Hah, tard.
I am :)
Hate only has one E. I'm not your boyfriend so suck on that!
That is because you are 12 and can't spell yet.
Not you.
Although, I want this boring post to get exciting. Soo... Yeah, you.
26- "hate" also only has one "t". You can't just go around correcting only half of people's problems; imagine the chaos!
My mommy says hate is a mean word.
96, wow. Smartass who knows English.. Are you sure your argument is even logical?
Haha grammar nazis never get any!
Wow 101, stop it, please, I'm 'bout to faint over here, you're making me so hot...
Sexting lyk dis FTW
42 - They do so spell that badly. Some of them post here, others are grown men and women who work in a professional environment. Food for thought.
Well i think it depends on how stupid the spelling mistake was right. I would be compelled to correct my girlfriend if she wrote zecks instead of sex or or pussy with a double c
what an idiot, I'd dump that ass
I kind of feel bad for OP's girlfriend for making the mistake of going out with a grammar nazi
Grammar Nazi much OP !!
Its not to much of a big deal unless she misspelled like balz,dikk,anell,or viginya
160-or the most important one (I get this one alot by the way) I'ms kalleng de coppz.
I heard if you correct the grammar of a "Grammar Nazi" they die.
163 pouring a bucket of holy water on them also works pretty well.
Grammar Nazis- My grammar is gooder!
177 - you spelled "feel" and "the" wrong
Its a conspiracy man! The fascist pigs are feeding us a bunch of lies man!
192- Directly related to the freakin' water powered car cover up. The man wouldn't release it because they named it 'Da H2Go', which would have caused the grammar nazis and the science tyrants to form together in an unstoppable force!!!!
You spelt "writing" wrong in your description so the comment can still be directed towards you.
177- you don't get laid much, do you? and "a smartass that knows English" ..... do you mean just stop acting like an intelligent human being? That can be really difficult (for some of us)
So what sexting at 12 is awesome! Lol
It mayks cents. I woodnt eithr :)
you need to go to school
I hope you where making a joke
Honestly, it's a joke. No one actually spells that bad...
42- badly*
Hukt own fonix wurkt four yuu to?
138- . . . ?
182- I'm a chick Everyone else-IM KIDDING!!!! Yeesh people. Take a joke
It went WAY over their heads... It was funny though. I think their responses made it even funnier.
Don't you just love it when people get awkward and ask you if that was a joke? :D
Makes* sense* wouldn't* either*
Def. Agree with u
How can you think of spelling mistakes when your exited???
Exactly, it wasnt until i rubbed one off that I noticed you put your instead of you're. (I don't mind it at all btw)
Wasn't until I got off that I noticed you put exited, instead of excited.(I don't mind either)
You also missed off "excited"
I thought it was hilarious.
Why would someone commit suicide over a fowarded text??? Seriously people have lame reasons these days. No it's not funny, but it's pathetic how butthurt this world is these days.
111- she wouldn't commit suicide because he forwarded the text. She would because of the way people would treat her after they read it.
Maybe we should ruin your life and see how you like it. Oh wait you'll probably do that without any help.
Is she being serious
Hahahaha that is so funny :D fyl
Hahaha sounds exactly like something I'd do. :$
She has a right reason not to talk to you! Way to kill the mood OP..
Or maybe she could just learn to spell properly, and double check everything she writes. It's honestly not that difficult.
Oh, come on, 1) the characters are limited in sms (I try to write without mistakes, but sometimes I just can't, because I'm out of space), 2) a spelling mistake is easily made and 3) it was a friggin' sexual sms, you know, one of those you write when you're extremely horny and want to share that feeling with your partner? I don't think many people will doublecheck them.
p"I mearing nothing butt red silkanties"
Next time, role play and be her english teacher. She won't mind being corrected then. Every misspelled word and grammar could mean tons of fun :)
You must be into some really kinky sex
It mayks cents. I woodnt eithr :)
I HATE when my bf does this!!! HATTTEEEEE!!!