By ladylarni - 07/04/2013 08:20 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By Guy - 17/10/2015 18:23 - United States - O Fallon
By xkal174 - 15/11/2010 11:33 - United States
By Stephie2009 - 30/10/2010 06:33 - United States
Love is strange
By Anonymous - 17/10/2019 22:00
By Blank - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By natattack - 11/09/2013 21:35 - United States - Temple
By eyerollplease - 30/04/2017 22:00
By stepsister - 10/06/2011 05:17 - United States
By uetlqdja - 21/05/2011 15:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/04/2018 01:30
Top comments
Is his name Oedipus?
Well no, she would have had to find out that her ex-husband killed her first husband and is also her long lost son.
OP, judging by the FML, sounds like you had no say in this, and got stepped on pretty hard.
1- Have you actually read Oedipus?
I'm tired of people using this ******* phrase, "is his name Oedipus?" NO, HE IS NOT OEDIPUS, NOR DOES HE COME EVEN CLOSE. The only way I will ever except someone using that phrase is if the FML is about a guy having children with his mother. Anything short of that and I will bargain with Hades to send the ghost of Sophocles to rip out your eyes using a broach pin!!!
uMad bro?
me fail English, that's impossible.
Yay, at last interesting fml comments! He could too be Oedipus, if he mudered OP's first husband, and no one realizes he was the long lost brother of OP. But OP, I'm so sorry, and shame on your mom.
Sorry OP, but: Still a better love story than Twilight.
Not quite Oedipean, but still messed up.
Pfft... He couldn't be Oedipus.. Oedipus clearly was... And the ex is... I don't know who Oedipus is :P
True, true, education WOULD help me in life...
Mind = blown
The farther down you go, the more you can see the lack of education showing. ... Shit.
Or have Sisyphus drop a boulder on them?
that's some messed up shit
Love this
Your mom must be pretty mean if she would marry your ex-husband.
No it doesn't really work with Oedipus but I see where it can be linked. He was married to his new wife's daughter meaning he was his wife's son-in-law, not biologically the son so not quite Oedipus material but closeish
Just keeping it in the family... "family reunion, its gonna be a good one!"
So now technically speaking, your dad had sex with you.
At least she can now go to the cops saying her step-dad touched her inappropriately.
Boundaries. Crossed. AGGGGGGH.
My grandmother married my grandfather's brother. Think about it :P
216- Meh, it would've been quite interesting had your grandmother married your grandmother's brother, though.
You obviously haven't watched Futurama.
And you obviously missed that episode
It's actually off an older movie called the stupids or something. Love it!
Queue classic oldies country music
Yeah it's from a movie called The Stupids, He sings it at the end. And that episode of Futurama he goes back in time and has sex with his grandmother.
I'm watching futerama right now
Alright I have some learning for you guys. It is not originally from futurama, nor some movie. It's an honest to god country song from long ago by a guy named Little Jimmy Dickens. Radio play, records, the whole nine yards. Good old country music...
#5 So you are the hero that's going to save us from the super brains?
There is an episode where they travel back to the 1940's and it winds up Fry is his own Grandfather. Cracktastic!
Its also been covered by a ton of people. Including a rock band. The one I know is covered by Willie Nelson.
Or if both you and your mom had kids with him, that'd be a hard and confusing tree to get done. Outsider "Oh, you guys look so cute. Are you cousins?" Op's Kid "Oh, he's my brother/uncle and she's my sister/aunt" Outsider "Er... o_O"
well let's just hope her mom is too old to reproduce. then there wouldn't be the nephew/brother title
Yeah, 'cos there's a wreath in it. Seriously, I think that kid would be his own grandpa...
Did you attend the Wedding? Just wondering. :)
I think she had to probably. And I'm willing to bet that OP is not the only one who felt awkward at the wedding.
She has to or else shes grounded.
Damn, not only is that weird and awkward, but it's digusting... Because your ex husband had the guts to go after your mother and your mother crossed it & went with your husband... HolyFuckin'Cow...
Totally ****** up ;( very very sad
And if later, Op's mom also has kids with him, op's kid is the older half-brother & nephew!
er, I mean Op's kid would be the older brother/sister of Op's mom's kids and their nephew/niece at the same time.
You ever hear that old song? It goes, "I'm my own Grandpa, I'm my own Grandpa. It's funny to know, but it really is so! I'm my own Grandpa." I remember hearing it when I was younger. This situation really reminded me of it. Poor kids.
What the hell kind of music did your parents let you listen to?
Parents couldn't dictate what music I listened to as a child, at the age of 5 I was listening to speed metal, hard rock, and alternative rock. Maybe this is the same case of a rebel child.
Haha 101, that was a song in my childhood too! 109, it actually is a funny little song, geared for children I believe.
See, this is why stuff like this is not meant to happen! It just messes everything up!
No My grandfather has remarried several times, I don't call any of his wives except the one that is my mother's mother nan
Watch out, 114's a baddass.
Just go for a walk on your fat kid to McDonald's like a good texan and eat your way to happiness and heart complications.
You, sir, are an idiot.
Oh great, another idiot from another country who stereotypes the same nation that they have fought side-by-side for years. Why won't you kill in the mirror and insult yourself instead of stereotyping AN ENTIRE NATION.
You sir can.... **** OFF
Basic literacy skills are very helpful on this website.

What the hell is going on in your family?!?
Is his name Oedipus?