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By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 04:02 - United States

Today, my family and I were coming back from a trip to the US. As we reached the border patrol we realized that we were one passport short. The border patrol lectured us for 30 minutes about how irresponsible we were for not realizing that they had forgotten to give us one of our passports back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 065
You deserved it 8 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Both parties were at fault. They should have been more thorough in their work and you should have checked to make sure all the passports were there before moving off. FYL & YDI.

#4, you obviously have no idea what US border patrol is like. If you walk away from them while htey're talking to you, they'll take you away, interrogate you, stripsearch you & basically treat you like a terrorist


Holy crap, your life is ruined because you had to spend thirty whole entire minutes listening to someone talk. Seriously, FYL. Just know that you can one day get through this. Dude, shut up.

I think the OP was just trying to point out how rich it was for the Border Patrol to lecture them for not noticing they were missing a passport when it was the Border Patrol who forgot to give it back to them. Not really a FML, but a funny-ish story.

I really hate people like #1 There has been NO fml on this site where the OP's life has been completely ruined beyond repair. Good god, is anything FML-worthy on this site?

Back from a trip to the US... while you're in New york. last time i checked, New york was in the US.

sublime93 0

Holy shit a valid comment from kumoFF7 I hope your resigning from your position as troll

Wait Wait Wait. If she came BACK from visiting the US, why is the OP posting from new york?? *sniff sniff sniff.* I smell bullshit :)

CyclonePsycho 1

Or it could have happened a few days ago? Just because the FML started with "Today" doesn't mean it actually happened today...

punkrocker165 0

#27 people like #1 really hate u

OhhxGoshhxAri 0
OhhxGoshhxAri 0

I swear I didn't write the U Sux thing... somebody else did. Anyway.. that sucks. I hate Border Patrol. And those saying YDI.. "Today, my family and I were coming back from a trip to the US." They were coming back to the US from a trip...

The u.s border patrol is just a bunch of glorified mall cops, I remember last year I did a parade going from Canada over the border, we were in our red serge and all, and the border patrol started making fun of us, although we Are actual police officers, they just make sure old ladys on bus trips pay duty.

Because, in case you didn't notice, they just got rejected by border patrol.

magicalrubixdude 0
jjstock 7

People have written fmls about people dying and losing very valuable items,these can be very crippling events and can be very hard to overcome,depending on the circumstances.

coolbeans26 12

To be fair the FML was worded in an odd way

Cause she hasn't left yet cause of the holdup

Both parties were at fault. They should have been more thorough in their work and you should have checked to make sure all the passports were there before moving off. FYL & YDI.

As if you would stand there and listen to him for thirty minutes.

heavenandhell 0

FAKE, yea i call fake because NO one had enough to say about loosing a passport to lecture you for 30 mins.. ok, maby not fake but an exageration still, and your from NY comming back from the US?

How can you NOT realize that they forgot to give you back your passport? If they sent me through without giving me my passport, i would immediatly ask for it back first. That's pretty stupid

#4, you obviously have no idea what US border patrol is like. If you walk away from them while htey're talking to you, they'll take you away, interrogate you, stripsearch you & basically treat you like a terrorist

I don't get it... you live in New York, but you were "coming back from a trip to the US"? I hate this culture of blame - take some responsibility for your life. Clearly, it's your responsibility to look after your own passport... shame on you for blaming someone else for your own carelessness.

Well you need to learn how to read : they were coming back FROM A TRIP, they were coming back TO THE US. the "to the us" applies to the verb "coming", not to the "trip".

dz_zb 0

are you for real? "coming back from a trip to the us" and "coming back to the us from a trip" are COMPLETELY different. i think it is YOU who needs to learn to read.

actually, i think you'll find the sentence is 'my family were coming back from a trip to the US'. normally, without commas around 'from a trip', that sentence translates into 'coming back after being in the US for a trip.' thats how i'd understand it. As for rekis comment, the US is a big place, i wouldn't be surprised if they went elsewhere in the US as a holiday.

Not sure they'd be needing their passports if that was the case ;)

I understood it that they cam FROM a trip Back TO the US. Not From a trip in US. . So I understood they were smewhere else and they came back to USA. I think it says is clearly. 'Coming back FROM a trip TO THE US' So ye... I think there would be alot of people who agree with me.. And what comes to the FML. I wouldnt be surprised they'd do that. And I also think that he ment by it that border patrol/customs had the nerves to lecture them even when it was their own faul.. And it IS easy not to notice if the entire family enters at once gives All of their passports. Since usually there is only one family member holding the passports. And I bet they would trust the people working there to give em back all their stuff. So if there is anyone to blame is the Border patrol or the person in the family who was holding the passports.

Can you find anything else stupid to say? Moron.

actually, I think that OP made a grammar mistake...dipshits

YDI, you're lucky you didn't need it before then. Simple, simple things.

If you don't fill in on your profile wich country you are from, it automatically says US.

heavenandhell 0
Kristen755 0

And yet you're from New York.

star_ver 0

This was very poorly worded =/. Also, not really an FML, more like FTL for being stupid.