By ladylarni - 07/04/2013 08:20 - Australia

Today, my ex-husband officially became my stepdad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 045
You deserved it 4 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MonsterCommenter 4

What the hell is going on in your family?!?


Holy Shit! Thats got to be awkward! My sympathies for you!

ddeathbombb 5

Who married him brother or sister

Sister, because my sister's husband is my step father.

Op's mother married him not her brother or sister

125 - i'm gonna take a wild guess and say 34s comment was sarcasm.

kelseygoesrawr 8

Your mother should be ashamed of herself. It's one thing to go after a younger guy, but your daughter's ex-husband? What kind of fuckery is that?

perdix 29

The OP could have married a much older man in the first place, and her mom was more age-appropriate. Still gross for other reasons.

I hope the reason why he became your ex-husband wasn't because he was seeing your mom.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Exactly what I was thinking!!! Maybe they were on the show before :p

OHai15 12

( . Y . ) now where are my Jerry beads???!

I guess all those times you were having sex with him, he was thinking of having sex with your mom? Gross.

Kk I had to come back and tell you to chin up... :( Sorry OP, this must really be hard on you, imagine family reunions or something.. Oh gosh. But know what.. If it didn't work out with you and that sick guy, then it wont work with your mother, either.. Assuming your mother is AT LEAST two decades older than him... So dont worry, everything happens for a reason and you'll find someone great, chin up. wish you all the best.

Miles_Left 1

Well I guess I wouldn't exactly say that cause I mean I know somebody who's twenty years younger then their husband and they've been together for roughly 20+ years

Alanber92 5

That would be a funny thought, if one were to think back... Oh yeah, I was already practically an adult before you were born! Let us get married anyway!

How old is he!!! Family reunions are probably really awkward now...