Sucks to suck

By youfuckingdumbassmum - 27/12/2012 23:20 - United Kingdom - Cambridge

Today, I was texting my mother after my boyfriend broke off our relationship. She offered incredibly supportive replies such as "No, really?" and "Aww, that sucks." before apparently getting bored and claiming she had to go because her "text reception" was breaking up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 711
You deserved it 4 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontModMeDammit 10

Just wondering, but could it be that you go through a lot of boyfriends and that is why she reacted the way she did? Just a thought.


Thats terrible :( sorry op she shouldnt have lied, she should be more supportive :(

At least op has an incredibly supportive commenter..

Well... Actually, OP would rather her mom lie instead of saying something along the lines of, "I don't care".

Reception is reception. Isn't it possible her mother was losing service and was going to be unable to send/receive texts?

Those don't sound like "incredibly" supportive responses...

Have you ever heard of this strange thing called "sarcasm?"

Psssst hey 3- OP was sarcastic Oh whoops sorry 14 posted at the same time(:

Too many people don't comprehend basic sarcasm nowadays, it's kinda sad.

ashprove611 7

I hate when people don't take other's problems seriously :( Sorry OP

wlddog 14

Yeah, its not like they don't have their own problems to deal with and OP can't take a hint.

Oh please... I'm sure you'll find another guy sooner or later.

80skid 15

If you read the whole thing, you would see that the boyfriend thing is only part of her problem. She also has a very insensitive mother who doesn't take her problems seriously.

CharresBarkrey 15

45 - I think they were implying the mother was acting that way because OP was acting like she'd never find another guy again? I don't know.

florido_fml 10

Thank you for just saying what needed to be said!!

florido_fml 10

Thank you for just saying what needed to be said!!

florido_fml 10

Thank you for just saying what needed to be said!!

florido_fml 10

Thank you for just saying what needed to be said!!

DontModMeDammit 10

Just wondering, but could it be that you go through a lot of boyfriends and that is why she reacted the way she did? Just a thought.

Well to be fair we don't know the context. We don't know how long she had the boyfriend for, what reasons he broke up with her or what she was texting. Maybe she was texting thoughtful sad messages about her cheating boyfriend. Maybe she was texting idiotic garbage. We just don't know :.

DontModMeDammit 10

yea I know, thats why I just said that as a possiblity, and not as the absolute truth.

oj101 33

Next, your mom will say "I hate you ****" Oops, autocorrect. "I meant to say Hi".

Text venting: the extremely helpful way of getting out your feelings... Until you realize they don't really care.

KingCeltic77 18

That's too bad. Your mother should show more support. It's hard to do over text though.