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By Anonymous - 03/02/2014 21:29 - United Kingdom - Ipswich

Today, my boyfriend gave me a teddy bear. I thought it was a sweet thing to do, until I saw him open a slit in its back while visiting later in the day and removing a bag of weed. He gave me a teddy bear just so he could smuggle drugs past my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 561
You deserved it 6 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ingenious! If only that kind of creativity could be used for something more productive..

chocolatefrog28 29

Well, if you need a silver lining, your boyfriend is a problem solver. It's a good quality!


Well if you're not into drugs this is not a good thing run also!

Jazzy9999 19

This isn't a good thing period.

Skrappz 4

Calm your shiz it's not like it's heroin :P It's just pot.

TheDrifter 23

All natural, comes from a plant. Hey just like heroin.

I'm a strong advocate for Marijuana, but he has to respect her parents and not try to pull shit like this.

But pot is 100% natural heroin has other shit added to make it heroin it's not heroin right from the poppy plant, and pot is just as natural as you tomatoes potatoes and anything else you grow it's all just plants more natural than us who are we to judge and condemn over plants.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Totally can boil up some black tar heroin using nothing but heat, poppy extract, and water. So, heroin is also all natural.

Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's okay. there are plenty of harmful things present in Nature.

So by your logic #61, I can eat black widow spiders without worries because they are all natural. Finally, no more debating on that for me!

nubbles10 14

Ehh, I'm not trying to be "that guy" but unless you had an open wound in your mouth, or somewhere else in your digestive system for the venom to find your blood, you should be fine. Venom has to find an open wound Poison kills you when ingested.

nubbles10 14

^^^ Was directed at #80, should've added that before

Ingenious! If only that kind of creativity could be used for something more productive..

Well damn! Where was he when the Millers neede him?

I think it's time to really think about who you should date, right after you dump that deadbeat druggie

How is he a deadbeat exactly? He's not automatically a bad person just because he smokes weed.

True, but he gave OP teddy bear just so he could sneak weed past her parents. Personally, I don't think he's showing a good sense of morals or judgement.

If weed is a higher priority than your girlfriend then there is something wrong. People like him don't deserve to be in relationships...

chocolatefrog28 29

Well, if you need a silver lining, your boyfriend is a problem solver. It's a good quality!

toxic_walrus 15

I actually moderated this one! Anyway, that's pretty shitty of him. And the mistake most people make is not letting the other person know that it was shitty. So I recommend letting him know.

Actually no, that's the sweet smell and smoke of some kush.

Sathane 21

What the? Does he have pockets? I'm sure your parents didn't have a drug K9 posted at the door.

and even if they did, the teddy bear wouldn't have made it past the door to start with

Have to give him credit for creativity!!