By ragingwaffles - 13/08/2014 04:25 - United States - Chico

Today, my blind date thought the best way to start off is to show up blind drunk. She ended up puking on the table and leaving me to pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 251
You deserved it 3 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well thats one way to make an impression.

And it's times like this you are so glad it was just a date. FYL, at least you don't have to see them again.


well thats one way to make an impression.

Not exactly the best way to make an impression, but still a way

incoherentrmblr 21

Did you have any Franch Toast with those waffles?...

Kyle1dc 17

I'm waiting for the date's FML if she posts one.

And it's times like this you are so glad it was just a date. FYL, at least you don't have to see them again.

tony1891 22

Lol i don't think thats going to help pay the rent

Ick. Coulda been worse, she coulda puked on you, AND stiffed you the bill. Funny name by the by

I'm pretty sure she did leave him to pay because he says "and left me to pay"...correct me if I'm wrong :)

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How about you, 25? I count seven errors in your comment, as opposed to the three errors in 5's comment. Your errors are far more egregious-- at least 5's can be counted as stylistic choices.

#25, you forgot a comma after "good luck" and "you" should not be capitalized. That must mean you haven't passed English class in high school either, right? Maybe you have and just made slight grammar mistakes. Maybe like #5.

Allornone 35

I wish I could thumb #30 up more than once. The hypocrisy is far too palpable. Most of the time calling someone out for being an idiot is already unnecessary, but if you ARE going to do it, you better at least make sure you're not one too

I'm gonna say you deserve this one because you said "left you to pay" meaning you didn't leave the moment she showed up drunk which is what you should have done instead of putting up with her.

Or maybe he thought it was that one prank show where you're set up with a blind date who is supposed to act weird and at the end when the cameramen reveal themselves, you're paid more the longer you put up with it.

I would've understand if he left right away, but I think it was kind of polite of him to stay for a bit too. I think some people, especially really polite people (not saying you're not ;) ), would have been a bit too shocked to just get up and leave immediately. I think I would've been a bit too stunned to just leave right away without having stuck it out for a little bit. Although I totally get why some people would've left immediately and not wasted their time.

Hopefully you at least have her number. Since she ruined the date, it's only fair that she pay you back for it.