By Vampire Teabag - 12/02/2015 16:25 - United States - El Paso

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me after I beat her once again in a trivia game. She said that I was cheating, and if I was cheating on the game, I was definitely cheating on her as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 819
You deserved it 3 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She fails at logic and intelligence. No wonder you were winning all the games.

Good thing you weren't playing Monopoly or Uno, you'd be a dead man.


brunettesara5722 17

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#1, If you've heard stories like this before, you'd know she'd probably accuse OP of doing that. It's a classic, really.

silmisstar 23

"Did you let me win!? Do you think I'm stupid or something!?!" There's no winning this one.

She fails at logic and intelligence. No wonder you were winning all the games.

If they play uno and monopoly they mutually hate each other by the night.

Bonus FML points for reference. At least she didn't have a fit!

#14: Monopoly I get. But why should Uno have that effect? I've never experienced that.

Right, because that makes perfect sense, to someone, somewhere, maybe. Or just no.

Trivia crack; the new relationship destroyer.

incoherentrmblr 21

And I thought words with friends was bad...

WWF is so bad... People cheat on that game left and right.

I don't think you need that insecurity in your life, good luck sir!

Good thing you weren't playing Monopoly or Uno, you'd be a dead man.

That's why there is red houses and red cards in those games. They're painted with the blood of the unfortunate winners.

I can see the girlfriend throwing a fit whenever OP buys a hotel - "IS THAT WHERE YOU TAKE YOUR CHEAP ****** TO?"


If OP lands on the GO TO JAIL space, it will be because of solicitation.

JustinJK 21

Or building ikea furniture :0

RMLrapemylife 14

Maybe it's time to forfeit the relationship. I'll see myself out.

What's next? You eat cereal? You're probably a cereal killer.