By Anonymoose - 08/09/2015 19:12 - United States - West Long Branch

Today, I found out I wasn't cool enough to be invited to a college party that happened last night. The one in charge of inviting people was my girlfriend of two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 267
You deserved it 2 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds to me like someone either wanted to have a massive orgy, or someone wanted to play "I'm totally single" in a crowd full of drunken fools. I'm not one to scream "ditch the bitch" like a lot of people are, but I'd say it's a big red flag.

Well then maybe it's time to have a long talk with your girlfriend.


Sounds to me like someone either wanted to have a massive orgy, or someone wanted to play "I'm totally single" in a crowd full of drunken fools. I'm not one to scream "ditch the bitch" like a lot of people are, but I'd say it's a big red flag.

Thats no no .. Talk to her and to see what she really thinks about relationships

Well then maybe it's time to have a long talk with your girlfriend.

Confront her and find out why she didn't invite you

lexiieeex3 32

If you're not in college and your girlfriend is then it might make sense... Maybe she wanted to hang out with just her friends and wanted to spend another night with you. If you didn't know anyone there it might be awkward and she might feel like she has to stay with you all night and ignore her friends. Sorry if I'm totally misreading this ya just need more information with these things but I'm sorry if that's not the case and she was just excluding you to be nasty :

Well the fact that it was a party where she was in charge of inviting people tells me that it wasn't just a girls night out or hanging with friends. She pretty obviously didn't invite him to a legitimate party... Why remains to be seen, but my money is on "a cute guy was there"

Ask her why she chose not to invite you. Good luck :)

Queen_of_Night 20

Needs a follow up OP with more detail. Still, I always feel bad about doing anything without my boyfriend, even if I know he won't have a good time. He always feels bad when he does something without me, like a company event. Depending on the situation, I would reevaluate your relationship.

leogachi 15

Are either of you actually in college? Because it seems to me that adults shouldn't give a shit about being cool. It sucks that your girlfriend didn't want you there, though.

hehe1996 15

Sorry OP, I see why you would be hurt but maybe your girlfriend had an innocent reason for not inviting you. Talk to her, explain how you feel and ask her why she didn't invite you.