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By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 19:07 - United States

Today, I was eating lunch at McDonald's when an older man sat down at the table next to me and told me I was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. I'm a 20 year old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 007
You deserved it 5 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, just take the compliment. The last time someone told me that I was a beautiful girl, it was my acting teacher. Sadly, we weren't in a theatre class, or a school at all. Repressed memories... *shudder*

Before anything give him a BJ and get some cash and jewelry and then tell him you are a guy. "Today, I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. After she gave me a ******** and I gave her some jewelry she said she was a man."


babymexican 0

First!!! Furst.. Fer- **** I had it right :o

Today while getting my order from McDonalds I sat by the most beautiful woman I have seen since my wife died. she later on told me she was a man. FML

mad_hatter0666 22

Oh, just take the compliment. The last time someone told me that I was a beautiful girl, it was my acting teacher. Sadly, we weren't in a theatre class, or a school at all. Repressed memories... *shudder*

flashback.miss 28

theatre is cool though./ and this is what this fml reminded me of: Can I have your number? Can I have it? you got a boyfriend... (something like that) --- Mad TV :D

perdix 29

Just go with it and you could be eating all the Quarter Pounders you want for the rest of your life. Some of them will even be hamburgers. If that doesn't work for you, whip out the Big Mac (or Slightly-Below-Average-But-Gimme-A-Break-It's-Cold-Outside Mac) and disabuse his notion of you as female.

I read 'whip out the Big Mac' as 'whip out the McBag'. I think I need to go to sleep. :S

perdix 29

Please come back when you wake up. I think you'll enjoy my comment when you read it on a good night's sleep.

Perdix, I give you all the internets that have ever been created. You equal chuck Norris in terms of sheer win.

I'm sorry, but this comment literally made me laugh out loud! Pure win!

Before anything give him a BJ and get some cash and jewelry and then tell him you are a guy. "Today, I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. After she gave me a ******** and I gave her some jewelry she said she was a man."

Oh, boy. Isn't being hit on by older men in a creepy way a blast? Not to mention the fact that he thought you were the gender opposite from what you actually are. Both of those incidents have happened to me, but never at the same time. I am truly, truly sorry.

riseofabreakings 0

how has anyone ever thought that you were a guy?

#48 I had a pixie cut a few years ago...Meaning very, very short. I also have an apparent lack of curves. I was once told that I have "the body of a 12 year old boy." FML.

riseofabreakings 0

Oh, you still couldn't have looked that much like a guy. I've been told I have the figure of a twelve year old girl too. I'm a fifteen year old guy. Fml.

TitDirt 0

Well, at least it wasn't a baby... that would suck if a baby thought you were a girl, especially a beautiful one.

Arsonnist 3

If a baby sat next to me and told me that, I would be in shock for multiple reasons.

TitDirt 0

I'd probably just have explosive diarrhea

ladies_man217 0

ydi for eating lunch at mcdonalds, learn how to cook, and don't hate on justin beiber