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By Anonymous - 29/11/2010 03:16 - United States

Today, we were practicing figure drawing in art class. Our regular model didn't show up, so our teacher pulled someone out of study hall. And who did she pick? My ex-boyfriend, who stalked me after our breakup, which resulted in a nervous breakdown that put me in therapy. It was a long class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 855
You deserved it 3 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As revenge, draw the penis every small.

FFML_314 11

How did your drawing turn out?


I know! That class-- it was so long! omg

Wait, #22 is that supposed to be funny? Just curious...

this reminds me of when i was in pottery class with patrick swayze, it was a LONG class for all the right reasons...

Nervous breakdowns only happen to those that or mentally weak or have had a past trauma in their life.

maybe her ex bf was the one who caused the trauma and that's the reason he is her ex?

fakeaccountX 6

Was this nude modeling? If so what the hell kind of school do you go to where they're like "Hey student, I know you're busy studying, but we need you to go get naked for an art class real quick."

Past trauma includes creepy stalker exes, 27. You don't need to insult the OP.

FFML_314 11

How did your drawing turn out?

stfuscrub420 0

I think art class is a pretty cool guy. eh stalks ex-girlfriend and doesnt afraid of anything.

Not really how that one works, sorry please don't try again

FFML_314 11

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say your shirt is on backwards.

stfuscrub420 0

Holy shit! Even my Idiot-English translation engine is having difficulty with this one. I'm going to put it in and see what comes out. *whir* *wheeze* *clunk* *ZzzzzZZZzz* "I think the guy was pretty cool to be in the same art class as OP. He has probably gotten over his ex-girlfriend and isn't afraid of being perceived as a stalker." Um...that's the best I could come up with. It's either that or stfuscrub dropped acid just prior to commenting.

Sinkhole 26

It's just a 4chan Internet meme called 'pretty cool guy'. Although, stfuscrub probably did drop acid prior to commenting.

#6: Is English your first language? I hope not. OP: Shoulda said out loud "Teacher, get somebody else to model. Trust me, he has absolutely nothing worth drawing on him."

Awhaa? And lonely? How can you be lonely when I'm right here?!

Drink a big cup of cement dear and Harden the F$#k up!

Not quite how I would have said that, but same advice.