By BaconGirl - 08/07/2016 06:00

Today, it has been my lifelong dream to work with animals. My dream sorta came true. I now work at the slaughterhouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 261
You deserved it 2 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bonngoo 34

I mean... you kinda decide where you work.. right?


Bonngoo 34

I mean... you kinda decide where you work.. right?

Not when you're desperate, anything is an option when you need money

MikaykayUnicorn 36

50 I'm sure the slaughterhouse wasn't the only available option, though.

Isa_fml 20

Assuming there are other options. Or that eating and paying your bills are optional, I guess.

in this economy? are you kidding me? you take what you can get after 18 months of looking and you're thankful.

One_In_Three 24

OP is lucky, I want to work in a slaughterhouse!

Agreed. Don't even try to say McDonald's or Walmart wasn't hiring.

missoops 21

Just because they are hiring doesn't mean the OP got a call back from them. They probably took the first thing to call back. Which is what you do when you have mouths to feet and put a roof over their heads.

Well, if anything, it'd make your more empathetic towards live animals. Don't let your dream die though.

This fml is dumb. Quit your job and go work at a pet shop. Go to vet school etc. you have so many options, if you are really passionate about working with animals you will pick one

You couldn't get a job at a pet shop or an animal shelter?

hellobobismyname 24

Most pet shops get their dogs from puppy mills and their other animals from similar places. If you love animals, don't support pets shops!

Yes, that's a very good point #34. But you know what people who love animals also shouldn't do? Eat them...

I dunno 35, I love animals. I love bacon, burgers steak, chicken wings...

There are meat substitutes for each of those items. Do you think an enjoyable taste is worth the life of another being? Would you kill your dog or cat for a few bites of your most favorite food in the world?

35, I'm just wondering, does being ******* obnoxious ever convert people to your way of life?

45 - Yes. And considering my favorite food in the world is macaroni and cheese, pretty sure I wouldn't have to be killing any cats or dogs for that.

You're missing the point. If it's worth it to you to have someone kill one type of animal to eat, like a pig or cow, then what is the difference between that and killing your dog, or someone else's dog, or any other type of animal. There are festivals China where people eat dogs. They bring in kennels full of dogs, boil them alive, and eat them. They would say there's nothing wrong with that practice. What do you think about that?

I'm merely here to educate. People are so trained to agree with societal norms that very few truly examine whether what we are "told" is accurate. Whether you choose to pursue objective research on the topic is up to you.

I love chickens and I think there cute but there better tasting then they are cute...

There's quite a big difference. Dogs and cats, at least in the western world, are generally considered pets. Cows, pigs, and chickens aren't. Until people who eat dogs and cats start stealing our pets and killing them, they are free to eat whatever they want.

One_In_Three 24

#35 I love animals BECAUSE I can eat them :)

Yeah like how in India they worship cows but think dogs are shit, so there are lots of stray dogs. Also you vegan tree hugging Prius driving eco friendly long hair weed smoking greenpeace PETA liberal circlejerk hippie ***** should just leave people alone. People are biologically designed to eat meat. Keep your recycled bags, recycled shirts and heavily recycled arguments away from me and my steak.

Something very similar happened to me, except I wanted to work with people. :'( *wipes tear away with butt of sniper rifle*

The assassination business is a crazy one.

Now its not that im insensitive, im just curious as to how much you charge. Hypothetically, of course.

It's surprising for someone with "a life long dream to work with animals" to be found working at a slaughterhouse. Sounds contradictory. Well.. Maybe you're in need of serious money? But still..

chrisbeaudoin 26

That is the point of the FML op wanted to work with animals, and now op is killing them

Yeah.. But my point is that an animal lover should be barfing at the sight of something like a slaughterhouse? Taking a job at a slaughterhouse is like going against your own moral thinking. So my question is why would OP even allow himself/herself to accept a job like that. A person who truly wanted to work with animals would never take up a job like that. UNLESS (as I mentioned in my post) they were really desperate for money.. But still, it's odd.

You're working with animals all right...

I think that's totally opposite of what you wanted to do!! If I were you I'd find something else. Unemployment is at its lowest it has been in 10 years. That means there are plenty of jobs out there .you don't have to do one you don't like or that goes against your standards.