Arrest them!

By chris - 14/06/2011 05:10 - United States

Today, I saw my bike locked outside a Starbucks down the street from my house. It was stolen about 10 days ago from my communal laundry room. There was even a cop parked across the street, but I have no proof to show that bike even belonged to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 900
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sxe_beast 11

Are you sure its your bike? You do know that bikes are mass produced. If you're absolutely sure its yours then take it anyway, lol. Break the lock and run [or bike]!

I once had something stolen from me, I caught the guy and made him eat my poo and then made him eat his poo with my poo in it


sxe_beast 11

Are you sure its your bike? You do know that bikes are mass produced. If you're absolutely sure its yours then take it anyway, lol. Break the lock and run [or bike]!

Dang, i'm a horrible person. I'd probably just try (and fail?) to steal it back! :P

krazyvato 0

no stealing is bad mi homie got 10 to 15 from stealing a bike

m0rgana 0

wow did not know that. another one for you Japan!

in the UK you can get them registered by the police (for free!) but no one ever bothers. It amuses me that this service is totally free and yet so few people use it.

ImaWiseGuy 5

haha, well he's in America and when your in America you just take that shit back...

in Soviet Russia, registration numbers have bikes

#56 lol no in Soviet Russia bikes steal people!

raney150 0

my town also has a law where you have to register it. although the proof they put on your bike could probably be broken off

well at least this guy had the brains to put a freakin lock on it.

Osito2011 9

I would of followed the guy who stole the bike and took the bike back once he made it home

zendaddy0 0

call in pee wee Herman he can get your bike back

I once had something stolen from me, I caught the guy and made him eat my poo and then made him eat his poo with my poo in it

Beebow_fml 5

I hate when people steal my centipede then I have to make them one.

Veraymix 6

2, That's cleverly disgusting. I applaud your creativity, fictional or not.

it was stolen from jay and silent bob strike back

failblogftw 0

# 89 lol I don't get it either.

failblogftw 0

# 89 lol I don't get it either.

The human centipede is a film.. look it up, it's grim.

You should have reported it when it got stolen, it's only a bike but you would save you the hassle now.

OP might have reported it stolen but unless they can prove that is their bike (with serial numbers etc) and not just another similar looking bike there's nothing the police can do.

how does the person that stole it have any proof its his?

If neither party can prove ownership the goods remain with the person currently in possession of said goods. This is the case in the UK and, as far as I'm aware, most other places.

Bikes usually have an ID stamped on them under the frame, usually right under the pedals. Write it down in future ;)

hellogoodbye1996 6

if it's stamped on there couldn't the guy whole stole the bike see it too and write it? and if that was the case people would be going around looking at the stamp and claiming other peoples bikes.

This is why you keep receipts for expensive items. The receipt usually has the number on it and only the real owner would have the receipt.

rhidiculous 4

wherever he bought the bike should have a record of the serial number because both the store and customer SHOULD have copies of the same OP either lost that paperwork or it's a really old hand-me-down bike...or maybe...OP stole that bike and it's

Even if the store has copies of the paperwork he'd have to prove he was the person who bought it. If he paid cash for the bike the paperwork the shop has won't prove anything. If he paid by card his name might be on the paperwork.

Where I live, you can register your bike ID number with the police, so that you can prove it's yours if it gets stolen.

Same here but OP clearly didn't do that..

My bike has my initials stamped in the bottom of the frame

great idea, i'm sure the cop across the street won't mind!

Veraymix 6

If the bike wasn't locked up at the time, OP could have just walked right up and taken it back as if he were the one who put it there in the first place.

But it IS locked up, so your argument is moot.


yea the basturds wright !?!?!

Garytt 0

you just have to remove the front wheel to take the rest of the bike ;)

#54 how do you figure that? Most people with more than one brain cell lock the bike through the frame not the wheel.

Veraymix 6
SpicyGrass 0

You're sure to have a print of the seat on your caboose.

It still sucks that the bike was stolen. Especially if it was a really nice one like a shwinn.

Bikes can be pretty expensive. Plus, some people depend on their bikes to get from point A to point B on a daily basis. Where I live, bike commuting is quite popular (as is bike theft).

MissAimeeAngel 15

So? It doesn't matter what the item was, the point is that no one deserves to have something stolen from them.

my bike means more to me than any car ever could

At my university, bikes help alot. nice ones are between 400 to thousands of dollars. file a complaint and call your dealer asap.

krazyvato 0

lil Wayne says don't steal which means that you shouldn't take it back and let him has it