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By ashhatches - 27/06/2011 19:15 - United States

Today, while at Costco, I was eating a hotdog when I saw a really hot guy walking over. Trying to be sexy, I bit my hotdog cutely and winked. I ended up choking and dropping the ketchup covered hotdog all over my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 427
You deserved it 62 566

Same thing different taste

He who controls the spice controls the universe

By Anonymous - 01/10/2024 16:00 - United States

Today, I was at a food truck festival and I spotted a taco truck and eagerly ordered a spicy taco. As I took my first bite, the spice hit me like a freight train and I began to choke. In an effort to save myself, I dropped the taco into the lap of the guy sitting next to me. He looked up, lap splattered in salsa, and asked if I was having a stroke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 100
You deserved it 534


Damn, why don't random girls ever do this to ME?

enonymous 8

I prefer girls that do that and then have mustard shoot out their nose... dijon only not that french's crap... I have standards

hook_em 0

good thing she didn't deep throat she would have died she can't even handle bite size proportions.

lol @ 37! She deserved it for trying to hard to be cute

rallets 22

sounds like you bit off more than you could chew

yummayy_ 11

Nothing is sexier than taking a bite out of a hotdog... Mmm. Sexy.

shrinkydinks 0

I was thinking the same thing! how can anyone eat anything "cutely" or "seductively"? like I get the whole penis shape in your mouth, but you bite and chew it? if that is what turns you on then you are just kinky;)

ImmortalKratos 0

sounds like you need some practice with wieners in your mouth. I'm free from 2-6 everyday.

missIrene 6

he probably thought you are a dirty ***** for winking with a wiener in your mouth . be classy Hun, not an easy skeezer

DudeImBetter 0

that's when you say I love it when ketchup is on my hot dog and then you bend over to pick it up with your mouth.

Yes. Ripping into a hot dog is very sexy. It would probably convey images of you eating penises. Like, chewing and ingesting.

Alex94xela 0

she shoulda removed it from the bun, kissed it, licked it, and slowly deep throat it. now that's hot!

69's comment is even funnier cause it's 69

I saw "trying to be sexy" and went right for the YDI button.

garrettsgirl 0

oooo a total turn on haha just kidding that sucks though:( sorry

it's easy to be sexy with a hot dog. just cover the tip with mayo and lick it off then nibble on it a bit. ask any woman in the sex trade. just treat the hot dog like a penis and the man wil think about you doing the same thing to their actual wanker. derpalicious

holygodthatshars 0

Choking on a hotdog is sexy, he was secretly turned on

I would've thought it was cute! did he help?

pardon me. but do you have any grey poupon??

iEatGuppies 0

being sexy with a stranger? that never works out,

fi3ldhock3ybab33 8
slushpup9696 12

All the replies to 1 were good until 80 came along.

MrFlintstone 5

#3 ur comment is a little hippocritical since ur name is gloriouswhorous

guitargoddess89 3

lol I agree. I'd rather have respect for being classy than treated like a booty call and used.

should've just sucked the sausage like a *******

AwesomeAsFcuk 0

it's funny cause she's fat...

**** you 126, Costco is the best place in the ******* world, "maybe" even funner than your mom's house during work/school days XD I feel naughty, brb I'm going to Costco...

MazDanRx795 1

117 - All I had to see was Costco and I clicked YDI...

dorkychick 0

how exactly do you eat a hotdog cutley? i could see a pickle...or a bananna...or something of that sort...but a hot dog? i could be wrong.

yeah to be honest biting any penis shaped food is sexy it's kinda scary

It would've been even funnier if he was vegetarian

126- Costco is awesome, I go there every week. You, on the other hand, are an idiot.

YDI so much, Op. Biting a hotdog and winking looks weird and isn't cute at all.

lopez1222 3

Hey OP you really bit the big one!:D sorry that was lame...

I think the only sexy part of this FML is where is says "[...]all over my lap.".

Cryingraven 1

i just jizzed thinking about her choking on the hot dog. ;p

at least you didn't try to eat it in one bite and choke and make him give you the himleck

DoubleA329 1

probably cause everything is bigger in costco...

a_nutritionist 10

@170 i think your girlfriend posted an fml recently about that issue...

theten_fml 9

I agree it's not sexy when the sauce goes on your lap.

Yeah... That is the least cute thing i can think of doing in Costco...

calikiss 0

it is when u don't choke ;)

GreenMaze 0
thesunsetglow_fml 8

But Costco pizza is the shit.

gabstahhh 8

Costco is where all the cool kids go. Free fooooooood

Yeah there hotdogs are good, but nothin' beats there poutine. -One word: Heavenly!

xroflmao 0

ew their pizza is just grease and too much cheese.

SneakherHead 5

Agreed I love the churros too

I like them and I'm detective_Oreo!!!!! and yes Lil Wayne is the shit did you watch the I'm one one video freaking amazing drake rips it

so r their French fries and chicken strips

M0rt 0

it's like an ****** in your mouth

70 hell no their pizzas amazing. the ice cream bars are even better though.

lottso88 4

Their frozen custard is like heaven.


haha, do u seriously have a clown in ur back yard?? haha lol

tinypurplegiant 0

I would have loved to see his reaction. ydi for failing at being sexy lol.

kdawg360 0

if she was hot she probably wouldn't have had to do that.

comepoopwithme 0

that makes you look like a fatass *****. the fact she did that for a random guy she saw probably made the guy think she does that to just any guy.

She probably practices on her mom or something.

lol, it's priceless when dumb bitches try and make something look sexy that could never possibly look sexy, like eating a hot dog.

Hot dogs are never sexy. Tasty, but not sexy.

10-I wholeheartedly agree. Couldn't of said it better myself.

Not even if she took the wiener out and deep throated it to show she has no gag reflex?

tayfehrenbachxo 0

false. most straight guys love watching women eat penis shaped food.

If you want that guys attention, you should have sucked the wiener. Really, what good would biting do?

Maybe he's Jewish. they love mutilating phalluses. it's even part of their religion.