By Anonymous - 04/10/2011 04:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
By coolbeans123 - 10/05/2011 16:37 - Singapore
By Noname - 12/03/2009 22:08 - United States
By Fat_abott - 05/01/2012 20:40 - France
Signs of distress
By Anonymous - 29/04/2022 04:00
Stomach bug?
By Heather Scurfield - 21/03/2021 10:59
Insult to injury
By Anonymous - 15/06/2009 18:11 - United Kingdom
The gift
By Anonymous - 15/12/2023 14:00 - United Kingdom
The little things
By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 16:03 - United States
By Stupidhuman - 13/04/2017 13:02 - United States - Sparta
Welcome home!
By Anonymous - 19/03/2023 09:00 - United Kingdom
Top comments
first :D
I guess it must be a real nice comforter!
You needa dump his ass gurrrll, also, meow.
Women are the cooks, maids, and sexual gods of the house. You better get to work OP.
30, what's that translate to in English?
From what i got @~ = sleeping... Seriously a little imagination is not a bad thing 41
what about askin the said boyfriend what is the emergency? OP deserved it for taking a day off without more information
I love the way this FML has been phrased. The loveliness of the language is too much!
Tell him to man up and clean it up himself.
You deserve it for having a cat. Cats are fake and gay. Nag nag nag nag nag
Shut up and keep your opinions about cats to yourself. No one cares you hate cats. Nag nag nag nag nag whatever
Ooooh where's Alan...?
"Cats are fake and gay." Hmmm, last time I check cats are pretty real and are still living creatures of Earth. And gay? Well if all cats were homosexual, how could they possibly reproduce and continue their species? I see many flaws in your comment.
Actually the Nyan Cat finally shit that rainbow coming out of it's butt, while it passed through his comforter.
Nahh, I'm pretty sure OP said it was vomit. But just to be safe re-read the FML.
The nyan cat started flying backwards?
That's a real emergency. You can't expect him to clean it up himself of course.
Here's a monkey. Spank it. No woman is going to want to have good sex with you.
24, I hope no woman will want to have sex with me... Because I'm a woman myself and a straight one too.
You BF is pathetic. Why wasn't he at work anyway? I thought when I read this that the emergency was going to be that he had urgently needed a BJ or something! That I could understand, but cat sick is just pathetic.
Maybe some people don't have jobs because not everyone works and some people can't get jobs because there are none available cause of the economy and stuff
I'm more interested in knowing how OP used up all her personal days for the month and it is only 4 days into October.

Make the pansy get you a drink, then clean it up.
Tell him to man up and clean it up himself.