By wayne - 07/12/2011 10:28 - New Zealand
Same thing different taste
By asdfBUTT - 06/03/2012 01:36 - United States
By The_HML - 24/03/2009 02:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 11:49 - Malaysia
By poolfail - 06/08/2014 21:14
By Brie - 29/05/2011 18:22 - United States
By michellekel - 04/07/2009 12:10 - France
By violated ._. - 22/08/2013 22:45 - United States
By anonymous - 10/06/2009 22:50 - United States
*Baywatch music starts*
By Anonymous - 01/05/2019 12:00
By Heather - 31/05/2009 17:38 - United States
Top comments
I thought eels were in the ocean. Nonetheless, sorry OP. Stick to pools next time.
eel? haha. never seen one in a lake before
You're lucky it wasn't a lake shark.
Watched Jason Voorhees too much eh? ch-ch-ch-ch ah-ah-ah-ah.
eels dont have knees -Grammar Nazi Inbound-
There are fresh water eels, they creep me out man
1- There are freshwater eels. Still as nasty as any other you come across.
Reminds me of this dumbass kid who thought that jellyfish lived in our local lake.
I refuse to swim in any natural body of water. Been like that since I was a kid. Too many variables - fish, vegetation, rocks, dead things... I'll take a swimming pool any day.
So you'd rather have contained bodily fluids like sweat, piss, and spit? You know those little kids don't always hold it.
you think the big guys bother to hold?
I sure don't! :P
Swimming in a lake is much more satisfying than a pool.
The chlorine in the pool reacts with bodily fluids to produce poisonous chemicals. Almost every body of water is safer than a swimming pool, unless you find jellyfish.
Wow. I dont think i'll ever want to swim anywhere after reading this.
I think after reading this thread I will limit all future swim-scapades to my bathtub... *Sings* "Rubber ducky, you're the one..."
Don't be a pussy. Having swam in lakes, marshes, rivers, and oceans, I can safely say that the odds of anything happening to you are next to none, just don't be an idiot when in a natural body of water. OP just got very, very unlucky.
After reading this thread, I look back at the time I accidentally swallowed the pool water while having weekly swims and am going to puke now.
I wanna thumbs up but it's at 69. How immature of me.
You can check that off the bucket list
A bucket list is a list of things someone wants to do before they die.
...die, or in other words, "kick the bucket"
Hey, at least it wasn't an eel-ectric shock! Excuse me while I go clean my mouth out with caustic soda.
You're lucky it didn't swim up in your urethra. This happened to me years ago. I still feel a burning sensation every time I piss.
You might wanna get that checked out.
Baha I "clap" my hands to that.
when will people learn gonorrhea is the clap. it is called this because the treatment used to be to rod the penis of discharge by taking both hands and clapping like a huge zit
You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time...
I have never seen an eel in a lake. Did you mean to say a snake? Maybe it was just a really ugly fish? Either way don't let it bother you, go for another swim.
Fun fact: NZ has a couple of freshwater eels that live in lakes (but said lakes are connected to the sea)....
Yeah from what I understand in New Zealand they have many lakes that are full of eels (not like this in North America)
Jeremy Wade is a renowned fisherman who goes to places based on stories and myths. He went to NZ on stories of eels biting people and dragging them under the water, thus killing them. Armed with razor-sharp teeth which prevent escape, New Zealand Longfin Eels spin and tear off bits of flesh like a crocodile. And they are indeed aggressive towards people.
Here in Australia basically any where there's water there is eels, it's terrible. Same in NZ...
No he means an eel dipshit -.- , we have tem here in nz
Don't worry you're not the only one deathly afraid of swimming in non-heavily-chlorinated bodies of water. :D Though I didn't know eels lived in lakes, must be a New Zealand thing.
If you got bitten by an eel in a lake, I don't want to know what would happen if you were to swim in the ocean..
Release the kraken!

I refuse to swim in any natural body of water. Been like that since I was a kid. Too many variables - fish, vegetation, rocks, dead things... I'll take a swimming pool any day.
You're lucky it didn't swim up in your urethra. This happened to me years ago. I still feel a burning sensation every time I piss.