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Creepypasta time

By Saw - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I was walking down the street, when a car started cruising alongside me. I looked over, annoyed, at which point the driver started screaming obscenities and telling me that I'm "gonna get it" for "betraying" him, before angrily speeding off. I'm too scared to even sleep now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 010
You deserved it 2 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SecretMe00 5

He was probably just ******* with you.

n_epic_fail 14

Probably a drunk that mistook you for someone else.... Or you should consider finding a safehouse.


SecretMe00 5

He was probably just ******* with you.

Marcella1016 31

I'd still invest in some extra locks, an alarm system, and maybe even a dog. There's a lot of psychos running around these days...

Lock all your doors and windows also keep a knife and phone with you in bed and that should keep you safe.......For now o_0

You are so dumb. You are really dumb. For real.

theten_fml 9

Nothing will happen. He should of done something then and there. At least threw something at you.

IphonFML 6

i know OP's situation is bad and all, but am I the only one who thought of Arthur's theme song when I read the first line? :p

jennyvieve 8

And I say, "Hey! What a wonderful kind of day!"

I don't think he was saying it's a wonderful day, but just singing the cartoon theme song from "Arthur", just a little joke... And yes, I did too #43.

Which Arthur are you guys talking about???

#60 is talking, well, singing about the cartoon Arthur, and #43 was talking about the you/rudetube remix I believe.

n_epic_fail 14

Probably a drunk that mistook you for someone else.... Or you should consider finding a safehouse.

Wow! What a crazy coincidence that you not only remember that you did that if you were drunk, but also that both you and OP comment on FML.

Just because you're drunk doesn't mean you don't remember lool..

tehaustiebear 34

Agreed, although OP's a female.

agm77 9

I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes!

Welcome to Good Burger, Home of the Good Burger can I take your order? :D damn haven't seen that movie for a while now. :(

Ali_Br_fml 33

Wow, there are really some psychos driving around your neighborhood. You probably have a twin you don't know about...or that guy just sucks at recognizing people... Lock your doors and windows at night op, and good luck with that sleeping situation.

jennyvieve 8

And hide your kids 'cause he's snatchin' your people up.

What a nutball! Carry on with life, this hopefully won't do you too much harm.

HairyPunisher 27

Guys are so dumb sometimes. This asshole can't even tell the difference between a stranger and a one night stand he had.

Cool story, brah. So cool it's causing my nipples to practically turn into icicles. Hell, they could probably cut glass right now. I should dip them in warm water or something. PMSL

perdix 29

If he didn't harm you while you were alone on the street, he's too much of a wuss to do anything later. You can continue to betray him with impunity. Sleep tight!

LiveLaughFML 10

The best revenge is making someone paranoid. If you do something then, they'll figure it's over and have nothing to worry about. But if you wait, it'll constantly be on their mind. For ever, and ever, and ever...muahaha! *evil cackle*