
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Saskatoon

Today, I woke up to an angry text from my roommate, asking me to please let her know next time I'm going to have a friend crashing on the couch. I have no idea who she's talking about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 643
You deserved it 1 811

Top comments

sniperkit 10

I think that you need new locks, maybe? Or.. you know.. use your current ones.


sniperkit 10

I think that you need new locks, maybe? Or.. you know.. use your current ones.

I'm gonna sound stupid but the same thing actually happened to me except it was a dog that broke into my house.

Humans are getting dumber and animals are getting smarter.

27- Was your comment meant to be ironic?

27- Was your comment meant to be ironic?

27- Was your comment meant to be ironic?

38 - no, I think it was just accidentally stupid

It wasn't the "friend" that got it, it was the roommate that let the "friend" in.

Psych101 9

Yeah, what is wrong with America when even a burglar won't do an honest day's work?

Don't blame America or Americans, its everywhere and every countries, not just in America, think before you speak next time.

MizzErikaHart 8

Psych101 - I dunno about that but what's up with your countries education on Geography?

Americans are known to be lazy and Canadians are not known for that.

Psych101 9

14/16- I live in America, I wasn't trying to blame it or Americans. It was just a joke (and apparently not a very good one). Although your second comment was a good point. I didn't notice OP lived in Canada, thanks.

18 - what's this about Canada's ares?

Why slam any country? We don't even know who or why a random person is crashing on another random persons couch.

Its canada i heard they dont bother locking doors up there. *shrugs* The guy was probably drunk for all we know.

40 - you heard wrong. unless you're in a really good neighborhood its pretty dangerous to leave your door unlocked. maybe during the day when people are in and out of the house its fine but at night its just as dangerous. i think americans overestimate the difference between canada and the usa.

I agree with 55. I NEVER leave the house without locking up, daytime or nighttime. At my boyfriend's apartment I insist that he lock the doors even when we're home. Just the other day a guy was jumped by ELEVEN other guys in the park just a few meters away and the sound of gun shots is pretty normal in that area. It's not all rainbows and maple syrup here, let me tell you.

coolboy675 16

55- You can blame Michael Moore for that overestimation

50: I've actually woken up before to find some random stranger on my couch. Was drunk trying to get home and managed to stumble into the wrong house. Happened a couple of years ago, still creepy and yet amusing today.

All depends where you live in Canada I guess. I live in a military town and we don't lock out doors, ever really. Even when we're gone a couple days. Then again it is small military town, where everyone says "hi" lol

Or in their chairs. Or ate their porridge. ******* Goldilocks.

RedPillSucks 31

who knows. She could have been passed out and some one came in and "had their way" with her. Or... or when she says "I have no idea who she's talking about", she really means that she doesn't know the name of the person she had sex with last night.

She is probably the idiot that let that bum in.

mintcar 9

Your house seems to be a great home got the homeless.

TriflingAllDay 6

Alot of places like that are.

kittenvks 11

39- your picture reminds me of the power rangers every time I see it :)

So this is where the other OP who got her home burglarized left her sleeping BF.

LiyIa_fml 8

Wake the bum up and kick him/her out.

Maybe your being haunted? Think about it...

Yeah I know... I have been watching way too many horror movies lately.

There was a random person sleeping on OP's couch. Not a ghost.

Actually it was OP's roommate who "saw" the "person", leaving plenty of "mystery" for whether it was a ghost or not!

Hmm.. Maybe I should go easy on the horror movies too.. And the "inverted commas" :/