By ashleylynn17 - 25/02/2014 21:59

Today, I was told I pull the "whole grunge look" off quite well. I don't dress "grunge", nor was that my intention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 482
You deserved it 5 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve95401 49

Is the grunge look even still popular?

At least they mistook your style for grunge as opposed to say, accidentally dropping change in your cup of coffee


Steve95401 49

Is the grunge look even still popular?

All over tumblr, but that's pretty much it

erockinthesuburb 17

The music is coming back into style. people are sick of shite rock bands. Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and others are coming back to save the rock.

omgitsmoe 26

Only if nirvana would too :( RIP Kurt cobain

Sodapop40 21

I dunno, I think Nirvana is starting to become popular again

omgitsmoe 26

I want them to tour again , release new materials That can never ever happen without Kurt

Don't feel so bad, take it as a compliment :)

I had to google "grunge look" and it reminds me of the Breakfast Club. Thank you op!

I was about to google it as well, but your comment gave me the gist of what it is.

Razi_tail 25

It might be time to treat yourself to some shopping! ;)

At least they mistook your style for grunge as opposed to say, accidentally dropping change in your cup of coffee

Nothing wrong with The Grunge Look. Hell I still go grunge when I am going to certain Gigs. Plus Grunge is making a comeback

BradTheBrony 19

You also seem to capitalize common nouns to make them seem more important than they actually are.

The day I care what a "Brony" thinks is the day I officially give up on life. I am Scottish not that it matters but still.

I meant because you capitalIze your nouns like Germans.I thought Scottish people did that... don't know where I heard it... I just always thought that was a thing for you guys.

We aren't taught to do it but a lot of us do. The worst thing we tend to do in speaking as well as in writing (Which I never do), is end sentences on the word but. There is no need for it.

I had no idea that was an official look. I thought it had to do with the horror movie. Here comes the thumbs down...

That would be 'The Grudge' you're thinking of, pal. :P