
By Anonymous - 15/10/2015 20:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I got nearly kicked out of the room I rent because I refuse to close my curtains at night. Apparently, my landlady thinks it doesn't look nice when people pass by and look. My room is on the third floor and I just want to see the stars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 572
You deserved it 1 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

landlords can be so up tight. just leave it open..she can't kick you out. landlords usually have to take you to court at least once before they can kick you out for any reason


landlords can be so up tight. just leave it open..she can't kick you out. landlords usually have to take you to court at least once before they can kick you out for any reason

mariri9206 32

they also have to give 30 days notice, during which time you could take them to court if the reason really is something as silly as keeping the curtains open. if they pay their rent on time and aren't a "problem tenant" (like being loud or breaking the rules or something like that), I don't see why a judge (or jury or whatever) wouldn't side with the tenant.

There are lots of variables. It depends on what the contract has in it with regard to things like this. When it comes to being a tenant or in a strata for condos. The landlord/strata counsel have the power to do almost whatever they want when it comes to the contract that the tenant would have needed to sign. OP should give it a read and see if anything is mentioned about this.

Landlady's can be so strict sometimes. Hopefully you don't get kicked out, good luck OP. :)

You could keep them open for just a little bit of time?

christinamarie17 29

No **** that. OP's paying rent on time (I assume) to live there. If OP wants the curtains open he/she should be able to leave them open as long as he/she wants.

Oh, I agree. But sometimes it's not worth it to get into it with your landlord. They can give you such a hard time if you get one that's an asshole. I've had to play nice more often than I want to/should in the past.

As long as you're not in violation of the rental agreement (and I highly doubt there's a clause in there concerning keeping your curtains drawn) then you have nothing to worry about as she can't legally do anything.

She wont be able to kick you out unless its for a good reason, so keep doin you OP!

born_hustla 26

She definitely cannot kick you out for that! Remove the curtains completely to piss her off! She'll get over it.

dyscomonkee 12

Sounds like she is a control freak. May be the first of many issues with her. Don't stop looking a beautiful things, they're what make life bearable......

cooltatgar 31

It depends on the height of said people, are we talking Michael Jordan height, giants?

Michael Jordan is only 6'6". But even the tallest man on earth is not three stories tall.

*A failed attempt at sarcasm. There, I fixed it for you.

christinamarie17 29

She can't evict you for that and the eviction process is so lengthy and a pain in the ass for the landlord it's unlikely she would legitimately try. If she does, however, let her. You'll win and she'll waste her time and money.