Oh, hi y'all!

By JC. - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took a smoke break at work and I noticed a huge zit on my face. I used the reflection from a window to take care of the problem and then realized that there was a staff meeting taking place on the other side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 967
You deserved it 40 668

Top comments


daddysgirl1993 0

Don't smoke it's bad for you.

moonlight_daze 8

"Today, I was outside twiddling my thumbs during break at work and I noticed a huge zit on my face. I used the reflection from a window to take care of the problem and then realized that there was a staff meeting taking place on the other side. FML"

lmaoatyourlife 0

Exactly.. then maybe the comments would actually be relevant to the post!

Intellectualist 0

Don't be stupid, smoking is fecking wonderful and everyone should do it. Don't force your silly morals down people's throats. Smoking is their choice, and you shouldn't judge, it's rude.

Everyone should do it? Yeah and then we can all get cancer, diabetes mellitus type II, COPD, CAD and a bunch of other fun diseases! Whooo how awesome would that be?

Intellectualist 0

sarcasm? heard of it? I just think it's wrong to judge, people smoke because they want to. Oh, and if you smoke, it doesn't DEFINITELY mean you'll die.

Nope, but it SIGNIFICANTLY increases your risk of developing chronic diseases. Anyone who pretends otherwise is fooling themselves.

Intellectualist 0

yeah, and it's their choice, maybe people who smoke like a gamble. My 82 year old grandmother has smoked all her life, she had one lung due to tuberculosis. She passed away recently due to old age, I know more people like that, than have died of cancer/other. I don't smoke, but I'm not going to judge someone if they do, their choice, if they want to die sooner, their problem, not mine.

Sorry, it's an issue close to my heart. I watched my grandmother die of emphysema. I spend a lot of my time learning about the harmful effects of smoking and being trained how to get people to quit smoking, and actually trying to get people to quit smoking! It's so hard to watch someone dying or developing chronic diseases and being unwilling make a lifestyle choice that will benefit them. If I had the attitude that they could smoke if they wanted too, I'd be a pretty pathetic med student, and an even worse doctor when I graduate. I don't have the luxury of sitting back on the fence.

Intellectualist 0

That makes sense, I can see your point, but I'm not one to judge is all :) I helped my dad quit smoking, because my mum hated it :)

lifeislife_fml 0

Lung cancer (more so, the treatment) is ******* HELL. Even though my mom never smoked, it developed and she died two months ago. If smokers accept the risk, fine. But I won't ever understand why.

mister_moops 0

darn, i was going to say in before everybody says ydi for smoking or some shit like that, too late

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Who pops zits in public anyway? That's just as disgusting as smoking

iluvpandas 0

Ewww your right. Who even pops their pimples at work?!?! And your a smoker! How nasty....

dudeitsdanny 9

A pimple-popping, ashy-breathed man. I bet you get all the ladies.

hellawagon 0

thats gross... the smoking part.