By Yo Mr. White! ... BETCH! - 23/10/2012 22:47 - United States - Imperial Beach
Same thing different taste
By Bnewlove - 31/07/2013 04:50 - Canada - Surrey
By WaltTheFuckDad - 01/09/2013 23:06 - United States - Salida
By NotJessePinkmanFFS - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Norwalk
By nemesis5196523 - 03/12/2013 19:45 - United States - Ogden
By I don't want to be here anymore - 03/11/2014 21:16 - Canada - Edmonton
Now we cook
By JAdams - 13/08/2012 00:49 - United States - Newkirk
By elijah - 17/08/2012 14:27 - United States
By itscalledaphonecontractretards - 09/08/2016 17:54 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/12/2011 15:49 - United States
Was it that recent one about Waco?
By Anonymous - 29/03/2023 10:00
Top comments
Not only is it a terrible idea, but there's no way you can learn by watching that show. That's like thinking you can learn to count cards by watching 21.
Inadvertently learned, huh? I was trained to count cards (I'm a dealer, so it was required to know what to look for), and it took weeks of training. I highly doubt you learned just by watching a two hour movie that gets it wrong, anyway.
4- you're all over the boards right now. pretty sure you just commented to comment... calling bs
Five minutes to learn which cards are +1 and -1, yeah, but you have to practice enough to be able to keep the count under pressure, with everyone talking, and the sounds in the casino everywhere. So yes, it took weeks to be able to consistently keep the count without it looking like I was counting.
Fun fact though, Breaking Bad is factually correct with all of its meth making - they just mix it up and leave out a step or two so people like OP don't try it at home
This is why OP is a broke loser. He gives up whenever something seems too difficult. While making meth is retarded to begin with, your work ethic is why so many people want to completely do away with social entitlements. Get a skill, then a job.
1- or like people who think they can actually shred on a guitar because they play rock band lol.
If he did try it there would be one less dumb ass to think about lol ( meth lab explosion)
I hear Sperm Banks pay fairly well. Oh and Plasma. Hell, why not sell a kidney while your at it?
Just like the kid who sold his kidney to buy the new iPad. People do crazy stupid shit..
Yes, selling an unnecessary organ to a medical facility that could potentially save somebody's life with it, is outrageously crazy. -_- Who cares why he did it? If my donor donated to buy an iPad, I wouldn't judge him/her.
I wouldn't call a kidney unnecessary. Having only one can considerably shorten your life. So selling one to buy an iPad is ridiculous.
If a kidney is unnecessary, how will it save someone's life?
Adding to 2's comment, if the OP, she could give up some eggs too. I wouldn't suggest an organ though.
*if the OP is a woman...damn with my mistakes lately!
Or the Chinese girl that sold her virginity for an iPhone 4s. True story.
Let's be honest, OP shouldn't be reproducing in any way, shape or form.
16 and pregnant.. **** yes. Not ideal
1) You're stupid for trying to sell meth. That can get you killed. 2) Gee I wonder why you're so desperate for money? Go get a job.
5) ...? 6) PROFIT!!!
Desperate for money... has internet and access to breaking bad episodes...
Normally i would call OP dumb for not getting a job and complaining about being broke, but the fact the he thought watching Breaking Bad was going to teach him how to make meth is enough to make me believe that it's not really his fault and there may just be something wrong with him.
Where does it say he doesn't have a job? People with jobs get desperate for money too
Suggestions for more productive uses of your time: Looking for a job Donating blood/plasma Doing volunteer work Learning a new (preferably marketable) skill Catching up on reading Judging by the level of intelligence in this story, I would say the last one will take quite a while.
I agree with everything but one detail, you don't get money volunteering lol
Volunteering can help to get you a job that gets you money....
Also, just because something isn't profitable doesn't mean it's productive.
16, I would like to point out that you decided to point out that volunteering isn't profitable, yet didn't point out that "catching up on reading" isn't profitable.
Reading is profitable. Just become a voice actor.
Why should he do volunteer work... He's not going to get paid and he needs money... I'm this situation volunteer work... Not such a good idea
Why volunteer work? You volunteer work and look for a job. When you eventually get an interview, you can brag about your volunteer work, thus increasing your odds of a job. Also, reading and volunteer work are s more productive use oftime then watching breaking bad to learn how to make meth.
It sounds like OP has some kind of executive dysfunction. Most people, when they want money, can go work and get a job. If that's producing a reaction of 'my brain is stopping me because Too Hard', that's probably an executive functioning issue, and requires medication.
I have no sympathy for you. Get a job and bring some meaning into your life. It'll help motivate you and help your future.
I'm not sure what's worse - that you thought, selling drugs was a good idea, that you thought you could learn this from a tv show or that you actually thought it might be easy to make...

Not only is it a terrible idea, but there's no way you can learn by watching that show. That's like thinking you can learn to count cards by watching 21.
Suggestions for more productive uses of your time: Looking for a job Donating blood/plasma Doing volunteer work Learning a new (preferably marketable) skill Catching up on reading Judging by the level of intelligence in this story, I would say the last one will take quite a while.