Make yourself at home

By Anonymous - 14/02/2014 17:11 - United States - Middletown

Today, my live-in mother-in-law brazenly swiped most of the money from my wallet, then walked out of the room as if nothing had happened. The worst thing is that my wife believes anything she says, so I can't do a damn thing about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 631
You deserved it 4 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You live with your mother-in-law? I'd rather have a nude cage match with a honey badger and a velociraptor while slathered with cow's blood than live with my mother-in-law.

Nightwing98 22

Have you ever considered writing children's books?


You live with your mother-in-law? I'd rather have a nude cage match with a honey badger and a velociraptor while slathered with cow's blood than live with my mother-in-law.

Nightwing98 22

Have you ever considered writing children's books?

I'd rather be pissed on then pissed off than living with my mother in law.

Oh, the difference a switch between than and then can make...

My husband and I are lucky in that we both love each other's family, but I still wouldn't want either of our mothers living with us. That's just asking for trouble. I think I'd consider the cow's blood covered death match first.

if you really want your wife to see it just set up a hidden camera or something.

buttcramp 21

this was my first thought too but it's still shitty that it even has to come to this! a spouse should believe their spouse.

"Hey honey, I invaded your mother's privacy in order to prove my veracity..." Seems like a slippery slope, too. Good luck, OP. I'm sending positive thoughts your way!

I considered that as well. however, if she doesn't trust/respect you enough to believe you then why are you there? evaluate your situation my friend.

The camera is a good idea. I'd be just as annoyed with his wife for not believing. A marriage is all about trust right?

you still should have confronted her about it, your wife should believe what you tell her as well.

Time to stand up for yourself OP! Or your life will continue to slide into hell.

olpally 32

Just steal it back if you get the chance. She's a ****.

olpally 32

Might as well give it a shot, he's got nothing to lose.

HammyBear13 8

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It was his money to begin with. He wouldn't be stealing from her l, but rather taking back what's his. I wouldn't let her get away with it, and it isn't right for his wife to believe her over him like that.

It seems like you haven't been married, either. If neither spouse can trust the other, then it's doomed from the start. Get with the program.

Confront your mother-in-law about it perhaps?

nurchok 15

Or just divorce, if she doesn't trust you enough, she shouldn't be with you

Somebody's whipped. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Ihavegas 22

I think 8 means the husband is whipped because he "allowed" his in law to live with them. its good having the extended family live under one roof when everyone gets along, sucks big time when with people like op inlaw.

sterling1113 15

If she's swiping money from you then she'll have no problem paying rent to compensate for her *trouble*. Hope you get it cleared up with the wife, OP!

Er, yes you can. You are allowing her to live with you. In your house. Unless your wife owns the house 100% and you don't contribute a penny, you have every right to refuse to let her kleptomaniac ass live with you. Grow some balls, stand your ground!

if you really sat her down and talked to her she should believe you and if she doesn't she's not loyal

You have a mother in law living with you and a wife who still acts like a child? You need some family counseling.

Yes, this. Seriously OP. You need find some family counseling. Check in your area for some low cost options if money is an issue. There's a lot out there if you look for it. This situation sounds toxic and could end your marriage.

Live in mother in laws. The #1 leading cause of divorce... ever. Seriously happy marriages get turned into war zones because of mother in laws. Either cut your losses and run or get counseling.

I couldn't agree more. My mother-in-law destroyed my marriage by living with us.